Myford ML8 bed bar removal

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Established Member
21 Nov 2014
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West Sussex England
Ive recently bought a cream ML8 in need of TLC and with help from forum users I have sorted a few how do yous. Now it seems best to remove the bed bar to de-rust but how. The tailstock end seems just undo the bolts and that end is free but how do you pull it out of the headstock end. Any ideas?
thanks in advance from a definite newbie :)
there are two grub screws accessed from underneath which hold the bar in place, assuming you have the head unbolted from the base tip the head over and you'll see them, one one each side of the gap the drive belt runs through
An update.
Well as I really wanted to give the bed bar a really good de-rust all around - yes I took the lathe off its Myford stand. Had to undo the bolts holding the motor to the bracket and lower the motor onto the shelf to give room to get a socket on the headstock bolts. The 2 at the other end were easy.
Turned the lathe on its side and undid the 2 grub screws - easy - was the headstock interested in sliding off the bed bar - no says he with a smile. A gentle whack with hammer/block of wood on the bed bar made no difference. So popped the grub screws back and have started de-rusting. Having taken the lathe off the cabinet has made the de-rust job easier but as a matter of principal it would have been nice to have slid the headstock off.
regards all