My faith in British craftmanship restored

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Established Member
26 Dec 2009
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Hi Guys
Although I class myself as a diy-er, I appreciate quality tools, and try to buy what I consider the best I can afford. I recently decide my marking gauges had seen better days, and stumbled across the Joseph Marples Trial 1 range, for those who don't know these are based on a 70 year old marples design, yes I'm talking quality rosewood and 3mm brass plating inside and outside, The try square is tested twice during manufacture, and once before leaving the factory for trueness, and is certified as such. despite the higher price tag I think these tools are the dogs b*****ks, and as the title suggests has restored my faith in british craftsmanship, they will last me a lifetime.
I picked up some Joseph Marples beech guages and a rosewood screw adjustment mortise gauge going reduced at Axminster recently and they are dead good quality especially the mortise gauge. Not the Trial 1 range, but they are weighty and precise. Very nice.
Nice to hear some positive comment on a Sheffield maker ! I have been pleased with the Joseph Marples squares I bought too.