My Arborist Buddy Called......

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Stu in Tokyo

Established Member
27 Sep 2007
Reaction score
Tokyo Japan
........ he says he has a nice chunk of Sakura on his truck....... do I want it....

About 4' long by 14" thick at the widest point, knarly, full of bugs, has some dirt INSIDE it and such, the tree has been standing dead for about 3 years, but there was little rot on the trunk, the part I got.

Even know this tree was DEAD for 3 years, this chunk of wood, two of the arborists could barely lift it and put it in my truck. When I got home I used gravity and hoists to move it around It was HOT today, one of the first really hot and humid days, the arborists all looked rather tired and worn out, but they perked right up when I gave them a couple of cold six packs of beer, smiles all around

Boy, we have seen this sight before Big chunk of wood on the Dungeon worktable

This is the top area of the log, the part that split into three branches, I did not know what to do with it exactly, so I made a big round chunk out of it, I'll try to make a big hollow form from it

The table full of chunks that need more porcessing, some cutting, and some sealing, then they will be added to the growing pile of "to be turned" stock

I think that the Ci1 Easy Rougher is going to come in handy!

Oh yeah, the guy told me that they have a really nice tree for me on Monday (when it rains.......) they told me it was "Gekkeijyu"......... no idea, but they said it was an "Italian" tree

I asked one of my daughters, she said, "You know, like in the Olympics......" "Laurel"..... I wonder how that will turn?

They said the trunk was about 14" in diameter....

Anyone turn Laurel?

Sakura/ would that be Prunus 'kiku shidare sakura'? ( -flowering Cherry)

Laurel: only tried small pieces 30-40mm dia (prunings), pale, tightish grain but not as tight as box... sorry Stu, can't remember how it turned :roll:
Nice to have friends like that Stu, I guess you are now plucking up enough courage to do it justice.
Some info Here Stu.
Looks a good haul.Will look forward to seeing what you turn up with it :D
Friend of mine will be cutting down a huge Laurel bush he's got in his front garden and as asked if i want some of it.The trunk is big :?
I've turned a fair bit of laurel - the sap wood comes up nice and creamy white (not unlike holly) while the heartwood is redish brown - it splits like a puppy though if you are turning green

also beware of the dust - some laurels have cyanide compounds in their sap (also true of rhododendron) and breathing in two much dust could have nasty even fatal consequences - an air mask is highly reccomended.