Moulding Planes

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Established Member
13 Feb 2008
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Victoria, Australia
The following are 2 Moulding Planes by T.McKenzie, Loveday St, Birmingham. (3rd Listing down)

The following shows the tools used to prepare the hollow radial iron back into service.

The following shows the tools used to prepare the hollow radial iron back into service.

Note; the iron needs to be bedded within the plane when checking its cutting profile against that of the planes pattern sole. After the back of the iron has been flattened, the remaining work of reshaping and sharpening is primarily carried out from the bevel side of the iron.

The next post will show this Moulding Plane being used to shape an external radial (bull-nose) to the front edge of a board.
The depth of hollow radius is measured from the planes sole. A scribe mark set at a slightly greater value is then applied on each side of the board. To prevent the cutting iron from digging in, the initial focus is given to working down the high external edges. This is done with the plane positioned at or nearer to 1 o'clock.

The following shows the 1st external edge after being worked down to the marked scribe line.

The board is then turned around to complete the 2nd external edge.

The plane is then re-positioned closer to 12 o'clock to complete the final passes.

Your images aren't showing up in the post. If I click each link I can see it in photobucket with a warning that the album is private.

Time to ditch photobucket?
AndyT":1u44dx2i said:
Your images aren't showing up in the post. If I click each link I can see it in photobucket with a warning that the album is private.

Time to ditch photobucket?

They are showing OK now

Seems to be browser-specific. Ok in Firefox but not in Opera.
Moving on to fettling in the moulding plane with the external radial.

After flattening the back of the iron, the cutting edge was then reshaped using a machinist needle file to fully match the planes radial sole. The cutting edge was then honed to a sharper edge using a slip stone. As noted previously, the majority of this work is completed from the bevel side of the iron.

On to testing this moulding plane for performance. 3 parallel were scribed back from the previously established bull nose edge. 2 representing the external width of the worked hollow, the 3rd being the center line where the initial seat will be established. The profile was then gradually deepened until its width met the previously gauged external lines. This process was completed freehand, with no requirement to use an auxiliary guide fence. 5 minutes work. A quick cleanup with a scraper card, and the task is completed.
