Motor for a Myford ML8

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26 Apr 2018
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Hello all,

I've been gifted an ML8 which has an intermittent fault with the motor.

As a turning novice, I think it will be best to replace the motor. Do reconditioned ones turn up on eBay and do I have to look for an exact replacement or is a 1425rpm / .75hp single phase motor much the same, whoever makes it?

Suggestions much appreciated,
I should think any of the modern motors with the correct frame fitting will be suitable, even machine mart sell them now! Check correct keyway and speed etc.
Secondhand motors do turn up on e**y , but I don't recall seeing a reconditioned one.
May I suggest you take your motor along to your local motor rewind/repair shop for an opinion/quotation. I would expect that the cost of a refirb. would be less than that of any but a "cheapo" new motor.

My compliments on your ML8 - good lathe, wish I still had mine.
JulesT":3tfeuts6 said:
I've been gifted an ML8 which has an intermittent fault with the motor.

First of all a couple of questions:-
1. what are the symptoms of you intermittent fault.
2. have you established that it is the motor and not any wiring or switch fault.

Folks may be able to point you to a fix for your existing motor given more details of the problem.
CHJ":208ds5n6 said:
JulesT":208ds5n6 said:
I've been gifted an ML8 which has an intermittent fault with the motor.

First of all a couple of questions:-
1. what are the symptoms of you intermittent fault.
2. have you established that it is the motor and not any wiring or switch fault.

Folks may be able to point you to a fix for your existing motor given more details of the problem.

I second this as well. While it's not unheard of a motor failing it is rare. Could be something as simple as a capacitor gone. Does it start, does it run.
If it is the windings that have gone it can be rewound, there are many motor rewind services about. Buying second hand could mean buying more trouble.
I have a ML8 and it exhibited motor troubles last year. The start button was the culprit and it was easily replaced with a new unit. A year on and the motor now seems to have run out of steam. When I am rough turning wet logs it is common for the log to stop (jammed on the roughing gouge). I don't take particularly aggressive cuts and it's not the steb centre losing grip, it's the motor stopping. When I remove the gouge it carries on and I try again.
I just bought a ML8 unfinished refurb project from evilBay which included a motor. Most motors on that site are in the £40-£60 bracket but are refurbed. I'm hoping this one will solve my problem but its innards are caked with powder/dust.
I'd second the suggestion to check the electrics. There is a large capacitor added which helps starting although I wouldn't have thought it would affect the ongoing running.
Good luck!
HappyPixie":2oj2dyqw said:
There is a large capacitor added which helps starting although I wouldn't have thought it would affect the ongoing running.
If it is a Start/Run capacitor, I.E always in circuit, it adds a very significantly to the output torque, it is in effect supplying a pseudo 3rd phase to maintain rotational torque of the armature.

If the motor has a centrifugal starting switch then check if there is a second capacitor always in circuit and that it is sound.

See Page 8 of this document