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    • G
      gcusick replied to the thread Price of Fuel.
      I am on that Octopus tariff, and their numbers are right. In general, EVs will return about 4 miles per kWh - my small VW e-UP! does...
    • G
      gcusick replied to the thread Size For Glass Panels.
      Sorry - typo - Fat Finger Syndrome!
    • G
      gcusick replied to the thread Size For Glass Panels.
      The OP’s panels are 884x291 - that’s why I looked at 900x300.
    • G
      gcusick replied to the thread Size For Glass Panels.
      Don’t know where you’re getting your price for polycarbonate, but they must be profitable! Online pricing ( - the...
    • G
      gcusick replied to the thread Decorative screw ideas.
      For a really nice finish, use countersink cups with brass csk screws.
      • IMG_2219.jpeg
    • G
      gcusick replied to the thread Size For Glass Panels.
      Internal, why not use polycarbonate or acrylic? Much lighter weight, easier to work.
    • G
      gcusick reacted to Sideways's post in the thread UJK Router Elevator Needs Avoiding with Like Like.
      It's a chunk of money but incra or jessem, their top of the range router lifts with an integral plate and designed for a fixed body...
    • G
      gcusick replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
      If you don’t vote, @Stigmorgan, you forfeit the right to complain about anything the government does.
    • G
      gcusick replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      Your statement “…in fact the big advantage of non-plug-in hybrids is that regenerative braking…” implies that other types of vehicle do...
    • G
      gcusick replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      Not just ‘non-plug-in hybrids’. We have a full EV and a PHEV, and both use regenerative braking.
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