Mood Wood Turnings 2011 - UPDATE 22.11.11

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Established Member
4 Apr 2010
Reaction score
South Queensferry, Edinburgh
Hi Folks,

I too am going to post my years work in this thread. I will update the thread title with the date when anything new is added.

So, apart from my January Competition entry this is the 1st piece of turning this year.

This is my 2nd attempt at a box and after some helpful books from Mark Sanger and his recent article in Woodturning I felt confident at having another go.

Beech, 95mmx70mm, Chestnut Woodwax 22 for finish:


Thanks for looking.
Good match on the grain across the join Lee, although the join looks a little prominent in this view (lighting maybe) you obviously kept the parting off waste to a minimum.

Not so sure about the flat top in this side view, does it have any decoration in plan view?
Looking good. Getting the grain that close isn't always that easy. Bit ordinary for you but none the worse for thaat LOL.


Thanks for the comments chaps.

Chaz, no decoration. The top is quite flat as this is a practice piece for a customer and she wants a date pyrod on the top.

Not a very good fit on the lid unfortunately, will get it right next time.


Hi Folks,

I don't consider myself to be a religious person but do have an interest in Buddhism. With that in mind I wanted to create an old traditional Tibetan singing bowl, my efforts are below.

Sycamore bowl, sanded to 400 grit, scorched, stained, acrylic applied for radial texture, FP for finish. Pyrod rim with abstract text and pyrod bottom. Ash stand and handle, rough sanded to 240 grit, scorched grain, stained, FP for finish.

Bowl is 140mm x 45mm, or 140mm x 125mm including stand:





Many thanks for looking.

Comments welcome as always.


Hi Lee,

Like the Box - looks great, nice minimal parting there !

Re the sounding bowl - like the concept, and the pattern, and finish, think the design is a little off - balance wise - then again i have no idea if these are hand help when struck, or resting. so maybe thats why ?

All the best

Hello Lee

I like it- i intially thought it was a shame that you'd mixed the woods and thought it would have been better if all 3 bits were the same but then i realised you couldint have done the pyrograph work on he bowl if it was is ash.
Thanks chaps,

Loz, these bowls are normally struck sitting on a hard surface or a cushion. Holding them in the hand would prevent them from resonating properly.


Hi JT,

Thanks mate.

I too find that if I work from an idea with a bit of research and know in advance what i'm working towards then I not only enjoy the whole process more but have more enjoyment in the end result.

I had a lot of focus when I made this piece and I really like it, it gives me a lot of pleasure to look at it and I have thought of improvements and alternatives. I will do another one of these as I have the idea and concept in mind. Plus, my Wife bought the Peter Childs pyro unit for christmas and I really enjoyed using it on this piece.

Unfortunately, there is a very thick frost and freezing fog here so no workshop for me today! :cry:

Thanks for the continued interest.


Hi George,

I chose the ash purely for the contrast, I think it works well in this piece and was able to bring out the grain with a little torching first.

There is red in the bowl too so this was used to tie in with the stand and the gong.


Nice piece..
As a newbie...fp for finish?? would I be right in thinking friction polish?
Please forgive my ignorance, but I figure if I don't ask, I wont know!!

many thanks

Yes, FP for Friction Polish.

If it's any encouragement, I've only been turning for 10 months and I feel that with the support of the forum I have come along way.

You'll be amazed at how far you will porgress, sticking to the monthly comp is a great motivator and will give you a goal each month too.

Aw the best,

Hi Folks,

Continuing my theme and interest in Budhism, in particular the Tibetan Singing Bowl, here is my latest effort:

Oak Tibetan Singing Bowl is 120mmx35mm, 120x100mm with stand. The bowl is turned, tiny cove on interior of bowl, and small detailing on base, sanding sealer, then Chestnut Woodwax 22.

I wanted the stand to be a complete contrast, turned with very punky spalted beech using exlusively a round nose scrpaer to encourage tear out as a texture, simply died black with Chetsnut Rainbow Colours Black. I was trying to create the look and feel of black rock.

Gong was made to look patenated (spelling/word?), like it had been used and touched for years or decades.




Many thanks for looking, advice and comments welcome.


Hi Skeetoids,

Preferred the first one. The base seems a bit heavy on this one. You must have big hands to hold that comfortably whilst you bash out de rhythms.

The bowl section looks great. Maybe I also prefer that than you entry into the comp!!!! It will be interesting to see what the judges think!

Keep 'em coming, its interesting to develop a theme, who knows where you will end up.

Thanks for your comments.

Working on a theme is great for me at the moment, it means I always have an idea of what to do when I hit the shed. Also, it gives me a good mixture of faceplate and spindle work in the one piece.

