Metalworking Lathe?

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Bob, thanks - I've got it bookmarked along with a few other spots. :oops: Truth is I haven't really anywhere to put it, never mind time to launch myself on yet another Slope, not enough know-how to avoid getting a lemon and, most importantly, not enough funds to buy one! :lol:

Cheers, Alf
gee alf, i have never seen you so anti anything.
was it something i said, or just the thought of becoming an "engineer" :lol: :twisted:

paul :wink:
Welllll... I did get hold of some back issues of the Model Engineer (cheap, natch) to see if the chit-chat twixt these engineering types would be enough to put me off - maybe it's worked? :lol:

Cheers, Alf
And what, exactly, is wrong with engineering types?

Nick Webb B.Sc Eng.

Oops, I guess that says it all. :oops:
nick, you and i know we are "normal", :lol:
but those woodworkers who live in the wilds of cornwall seem to think that we are a "different" breed :roll: :twisted:

i'm just glad i underestood flat surfaces before starting to enjoy woodwork
with its imperfections :?

paul :wink:
ps did you find that piercing saw yet?
Just came on this thread today, and yes, like all the others I'm greem with envy (a) at getting a decent machine and (b) at the incredible price.

Like Alf, I have been considering a small metalwork lathe, it's maybe not high on my list but I sure would've like the opportunity to get one at 75 quid.

The Chinese ones are starting to appear in Czechland but the prices are pretty much as in UK and the last one I looked at was three times the price you paid 8)

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