Men Sheds!

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If anyone is in the East Devon area do feel free to drop in to Exmouth Men's Shed open day in Saturday 22nd (10.00 - 4.00). Lots of bargain tools and a variety of wood products plus demonstrations. Clayton House Community Centre (almost opposite Tesco's, ///smoke.gentle.moved on What Three Words)
This is interesting. The thread has piqued my interest. I would be more than happy to help out 'men sheds' if they would have me.
My 'she shed' which I mentioned earlier is a bit more industrial and not painted pink. It has (when it is complete) a Charnwood table saw, Router table with AUK router and lift, MFT, mitre saw and small pillar drill. Hopefully a band saw too.
I would be more than happy to make my equipment and shed available to the local community, perhaps by affiliation, male or female. I will be searching local 'sheds' and reaching out to see how I can contribute.
Hi I would like help in setting up a work shed I am situated in Preston Lancashire anyone interested ?

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