May bowl follow up

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Wood spoiler

Established Member
7 Sep 2010
Reaction score
Rural North Hampshire
I was really pleased with the outcome of my first attempt at carving and 2nd attempt at Pyrography, especially as it found favour with the Judge!

I enjoyed making the piece and have a few ideas whirling around in the grey cell zone.

What I would find helpful is serious critique and comment on what works, what "jars" and ideas or recommendations in how I could develop this concept further to create even better pieces going forward

Thanks in advance



I really like this and your place was well deserved.

The side profile is a good shape and wall thickness and finish very good too.

Maybe you could carve some relief into the leaves to see how that comes out?

And possibly reduce the amount of black in the centre which rather draws the eye to it.
myturn":3twd0jho said:
Maybe you could carve some relief into the leaves to see how that comes out?

And possibly reduce the amount of black in the centre which rather draws the eye to it.

Thanks Mick - I think exploring the carving to add the detail is correct. The black in the centre was going to be Pierced, on reading the rules I thought it had to be able to hold liquid so to cut those sections would not be permitted for the purpose of the competition.

Looking at it again I think Piercing those sections would take too much strength out of the bowl and not be viable. I accept that at present the black is too heavy - noted.
Cracking idea putting the leaf in the base. Not something you expect to see under a bowl!
I hate this Bowl.........................

It beat mine LOL........To me this is a lovely piece of work, a hell of a lot of work in it and it turned out, IMHO., very, very nicely. CONGRATULATIONS.

I have no criticism!

Its was clear from the moment I saw this bowl that it would be amongst the winners if not THE winner, Duncan's was technically outstanding but yours had 'that certain style' that makes for art.

The top two were my choices of the entries.
Lovely bowl. I like it a lot.

If you want to see how far this can go, take at look at Andi Wolfe's work from the AAW Maple Medley exhibition (go to and download the exhibition catalogue - the piece in question is on page 50).

At our local South African woodturners conference last year, she did a slide show about that piece. It required a ridiculous amount of work.

Steve Peacock":uips7ut6 said:
Lovely bowl. I like it a lot.

If you want to see how far this can go, take at look at Andi Wolfe's work from the AAW Maple Medley exhibition (go to and download the exhibition catalogue - the piece in question is on page 50).

At our local South African woodturners conference last year, she did a slide show about that piece. It required a ridiculous amount of work.

That has blown my mind. Thanks for your kind comments but I think I need to fill in quite a few blanks between my humble effort and the Andi Wolfe work! But I take from it the carving of the leaf details which I think needs to be my next step
Hi Colin

Vary nice piece , I like the carving on the leaf shapes

My only negative comment is the pyro work

When I zoomed in on it I looks to be a bit blotchy

I have experimented and get the same problem , Pyro work is a art in itself

Overall I like it a lot

Blister":b1686x3i said:
Hi Colin

My only negative comment is the pyro work

When I zoomed in on it I looks to be a bit blotchy


I agree, about the pyro. I liked the effect of doing the edge but I agree about the detailing. I have been out to the shed today to turn a small bowl on which I am going to try carving techniques to do 3 dimensional detailing.

I will keep you posted on my efforts. But without the competition I wouldn't be exploring this avenue of work - so thanks once again
Hi Colin,

Andi Wolfe is a botanist. She also started out as a carver.
That means she has a head-start on us turning types.

I've never been brave enough to try carving on a piece I spent hours making. I'm too scared of ruining it (probably a bad attitude, I know).

Good luck.

Colin, I have a very large negative comment to make! You are just not living up to the name you have given yourself! Wood spoiler you ain't!

It is a cracking piece of work. I like the carved shape, the pyro and the general form. They are lovely and if I had made it I would be very proud of it. I also like the black in the centre. It gives the leaves something to bind to the form, otherwise I think that they would just sit there as by accident. I too love the idea of the leaf on the underside, a lovely touch.

As for holding liquid, Duncans is superb, but if one of the regulations was to hold liquid??? Difficult to clean too :roll: :roll:

Well done mate!
Jonzjob":2sqoef0b said:
Colin, I have a very large negative comment to make! You are just not living up to the name you have given yourself! Wood spoiler you ain't!

It is a cracking piece of work. I like the carved shape, the pyro and the general form. They are lovely and if I had made it I would be very proud of it. I also like the black in the centre. It gives the leaves something to bind to the form, otherwise I think that they would just sit there as by accident. I too love the idea of the leaf on the underside, a lovely touch.

As for holding liquid, Duncans is superb, but if one of the regulations was to hold liquid??? Difficult to clean too :roll: :roll:

Well done mate!

Thanks John

I am sat here all a blush!

As to Wood Spoiler - good to get the excuses in early anything else is a result!