Manners planes

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Established Member
13 May 2006
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Can anyone tell me something about them?

I "inherited" a box of woodies last week, and one plane has "MANNERS" stamped on its end. Never seen that name before (then again I don't know much about woodies...). And I have no clue as to its purpose...



A bit sparse on the info, but presumably you have grounds for supposing it to be British? Assuming so, British Planemakers gives the only Manners as:

Manners, John. Saracen Lane, Glasgow, 1792-1822.
Apparently subsequently taken over by Alex Mathieson. Seems to be known for some rare plane types and multiple iron moulders. Listed as uncommon.

But it's a bit of a leap of faith to say that's the bunny without further info and no hope of telling you what it does I'm afraid. Any chance of a picture or two?

Cheers, Alf
I've uploaded a number of pictures, but I have no clue as to where they went... In any case, look for pictures named 'Manners1.jpg" to "Manners8.jpg"...

Software gets me concused at times... I'm better at building PCs than using them...

Hi Denis,

I don't know where you uploaded them, but if you send them to me I can put them up on my web site...

Take care, Mike addy is in my profile...
MikeW":2rf2vrv8 said:
Hi Denis,

I don't know where you uploaded them, but if you send them to me I can put them up on my web site...

Take care, Mike addy is in my profile...

Well, I don't know either! I uploaded to the User Gallery, and I got some kind of message in return saying something to the effect that the pics will be posted upon approval (it was getting late...)

In any case I'll send them to you, thanks for the offer...


I have to get my own unrestricted web space...
Well Manners certainly shows a stamp like that, and I reckon the iron looks old enough, although I can't get manners5.jpg to open. Panel plane I believe (frankly anyone is more likely to know if that's the case than me - woodies always leave me reaching for the books 'cos I get them all muddled). As in panel raising, rather than over-sized infill smoother.

As far as the Gallery goes, I'm afraid it's a case of waiting for Charley to approve images before they become available (unless things have changed and no-one's bothered to mention it). It's to avoid dodgy uploads of unwelcome images, but also means a slooooooooow turnaround.

Cheers, Alf