Making a new kitchen work top

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19 Aug 2014
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I am making a new kitchen work top and would like some advice. I want to glue assorted lengths of hardwood staves and these will be sash clamped together. I want to waterproof the surface to ensure the wood cannot turn black around the sink and taps and drainer. Will epoxy work? Would I need marine epoxy like the West System to ensure a waterproof seal long term. All advice welcome. Thanks.
I was under the impression worktops just need a food safe oil finish to seal them, I can't imagine many 'off the shelf' worktops have an epoxy finish although I could be wrong.
Osmo and Rustin's both sell oil specifically for wooden worktops. It could be worth reading their product guides etc.
The risk of an epoxy(hard) finish is that when it finally does break down, and everything does, it will trap moisture under it and that really causes problems.
I once built a worktop out of Cherry and finished it with Rustins plastic coating, fantastic for the first few years, but then became problematic to refinish.

An oil finish will need regular upkeep, but is likely to be the best long term.