Machines in Machine shops (rant)

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Established Member
3 Mar 2005
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I popped down to Axminster today to have a look at my soon-to-be baby.

To my dismay I found, every Tablesaw was either broken, had bits missing or wasn't set up correctly. The Supersaw had a knob missing on the front, the sliding table was obviously setup wrong and the fence was horribly clunky and impossible to lock on. The outfeed table was not level with the saw table and guard was wonky. I looked around at the others and many of them where the same (even the top end machines). Last week I was at D&M's shop and that was the same. I realise uneducated customers have something to do with it. But surely to sell a machine it has to be displayed in pristine condition?? You wouldn't go to Dixons and see TVs with smashed screens and wonky stands!

I spent 10min fiddling with the Supersaw and fixed a few of the problems myself. Surely this should be part of the sales attendants daily routine? I mean it's never over-run with customers in there. It wouldn't take 10mins each day making sure the machines work as they should.

On the upside I was impressed with what I saw of the Jet. I'd seen it a few times before but never gave it close scrutiny. Can't wait for mine to arrive!! Hopefully I won't have the same problems the shop staff had setting it up!

[/RANT] :roll:
Think yourself lucky, I dont have a decent tool shop anywhere near me. Axminster would make a killing if they opened a branch up here...
Sorry, too busy ranting. Despite the above, Axminster Sittingbourne is generally a fantastic place. Packed with goodies and the staff are very nice and happy to assist customers. There's always a lot of 'Manager's Specials' in in store. I was tempted by a half price DMT diamond plate :shock:
I have seen the same thing at Axminster, I nearly pulled out of a buy because of the state of a display machine (metal cutting bandsaw) which if switched on would have cut through the vice body with no obvious means of adjusting it, but convinced myself that no saleable machine could have been supplied like that and that they had a rogue machine on display so went ahead and collected one from the warehouse.
A letter to them pointing out the bad vibes that such a poorly setup machine gives out got the delayed response from the management that they would get the showroom staff to sort it.
Two subsequent visits over 12 months sees the same machine still mechanically unusable on display.

I fully understand that display machines are subject to joe public fiddling with them but to have them grossly ill prepared does nothing for prospective sales.

It really niggles to see a company with what I consider to be a customer and value for money service second to none let themselves down in this way.
Has anyone out there purchased a metal turning lathe from APTC, and if so do you have any comments, I was seriously considering the SIEGC2A lathe, but am now wavering between them and Warco, unless anyone has a better suggestion.

wizer":3hi47nmm said:
Sorry, too busy ranting. Despite the above, Axminster Sittingbourne is generally a fantastic place. Packed with goodies and the staff are very nice and happy to assist customers. There's always a lot of 'Manager's Specials' in in store. I was tempted by a half price DMT diamond plate :shock:

What size / grade was it Tom? Might nip and have that if it's still there.
I have a C6 from Axy - a real nice lathe, delivered by one of their nice delivery guys in a huge box. It has operated faultlessly for the last 18 months and I'm very glad I bought it from Axminster.
Hope this helps
Philly :D
Thanks for the reply Philly, I'll bear that in mind when I weigh the situation up.


I have been to the axminster showroom just once when i was in the area its a four hour drive :shock:. I too though the state of the machines terrible.

I'll contrast that to the two woodcraft stores i have been to in California and Florida, where the machines were all assembled correctly and no missing parts. A prospective buyer would really be able to get a feel for what they are buying

I agree with Wiser how hard could it be to sort this out, but then when i asked a question about a machine the showroom staff did not have a clue. This is totally at odds with their internet business which for me so far has been excellent.
Rich, I have recently bought a WM280V-F from Warco. Though not as well finished as my previous Emco lathe I'm very happy with it for the price.

Warco were also very helpful, I went down to their showroom to have a look at one but there was not one on display, no problem for them, they got the guys in the warehouse to get one out, opened up the crate, plugged it in and left me to play with it as much as I wanted. Needless to say I bought it there & then.


PS I've got the emco up for sale
The only thing that seems to be efficiently run is the cash machine (till) never seem to be able to get my hands on the drawer to check it out. :)
Glad I'm not alone then.

Mark it was 8x3 120grit at just under £45 Sorry, I didn't think you'd appreciate me being the cause of you spending money. :roll: :wink:
My experience of Axminster in Kent was far below the level of service from the main store in Axminster.
I visited them to buy an Axminster own make Disc/Belt sander, unfortunately when I got it home found the table support bracket was missing.
Despite three phone calls and an email to the Kent branch, with promises of sorting it out nothing was done.
It was only when I contacted the head office directly that a support bracket and apology materialised.
I really think head office need to get behind the Kent facility to improve their performance.

Living in Essex, Sittingbourne in Kent is about a 3 hour return trip for me and the experience I have had there means visiting them is not worth the journey, there are other tool suppliers much closer who really offer excellent customer service.

Having said this the head office sorted the problem very quickly and I have not had any problems buying online from Axminster, its just a shame that my Sittingbourne experience has put me off ever visiting them in person again.


The link you put up for the lathe only works if you sign up to that board :-(

You going to Bristol this weekend? I haven't decided which day to go yet (depends on the workshop displays).
I love going to axminster kent is true about the state of the machines but I love to see soo many machines in the same place I have been there 3 times the thing that really amaze me is that there is only two cars in the parking space (counting my) and about 4 guys working inside :shock:

I'm not going to Bristol, will likely go to Ascot in a couple of weeks although there is nothing I really need, stocked up a the small Guildford show last month.

Try this link for the lathe.

I went to the Felder showroom in Milton Keynes acouple of months back.

The place was immaculate, everything was set up (as far as I could see correctly,) the staff were excellent, their product knowledge the result of being on company courses, and although not carpenters, made every effort to find out something if they did not know. I had a cup of coffee made for me etc etc. :D

Very, very impressed. It was so ,mmmm, German.

Decklan. p.s, and I did end up buying stuff from there.