Lots of hot air


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It was ironic at best : you are asking for a permanent dictatorial top-down government, which knows best at all times. Run by people like Boris, or even Jacob's antisemitic chum.
I don't have any antisemitic chums.
You are still suffering from the anti Corbyn media brain washing. A lot of people still have the conditioned reflex reaction to the word "Corbyn" but it will wear off eventually don't worry.
Interestingly Corbyn is gradually being reassessed - not least due to the abject failure of the Starmelite project
bAre you sure you understand the implications? The USSR tried that sort of thing, as did Mao, as did Pol Pot, and always with the best of intentions
Didn't Churchill mobilise Britain in a similar emergency? The trouble is we only have Johnson the old etonian fat boy buffoon.
London is sinking anyway so even if sea levels don't rise, "something would need to be done". How about we fix the problems as they arise,
Because by then it is too late - as many people currently burned/flooded/starved out worldwide, would tell you. Near you too - do you not get the news in Greece?
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Could be Johnson's Churchill moment except he hasn't got the imagination or the personality. The worst time to have an old Etonian smart-alec Billy Bunter as PM.
Could be Johnson's Churchill moment except he hasn't got the imagination or the personality. The worst time to have an old Etonian smart-alec Billy Bunter as PM.
Maybe less focus is required on what is a series of temporary prime ministers and more on the radical overhaul of our political and administration structures and cultures. Since the Industrial Revolution our government and administration (civil service) have not exactly been STEM majors and any education but STEM is preferred for that ‘class’ with undue representation and protection of the interest of landowners. Technical progress has largely been made by visionary non governmental individuals slowly in peace time and more quickly during times of war. I do not think our apparatus is capable of evolving and charting our progress through this problem (impending crisis) coherently. What can we expect when we allow these important institutions to be over populated by innumerate Arts, Social Sciences , Legal, Politcsi & Economics, Media graduates. Nothing wrong with those degrees in the right place but a much more improved balance towards STEM and overall numeracy would serve us better for the future. Oh and come on kick out the disproportionate land owner representation that is the House of Lords and reform.
Maybe less focus is required on what is a series of temporary prime ministers and more on the radical overhaul of our political and administration structures and cultures. Since the Industrial Revolution our government and administration (civil service) have not exactly been STEM majors and any education but STEM is preferred for that ‘class’ with undue representation and protection of the interest of landowners. Technical progress has largely been made by visionary non governmental individuals slowly in peace time and more quickly during times of war. I do not think our apparatus is capable of evolving and charting our progress through this problem (impending crisis) coherently. What can we expect when we allow these important institutions to be over populated by innumerate Arts, Social Sciences , Legal, Politcsi & Economics, Media graduates. Nothing wrong with those degrees in the right place but a much more improved balance towards STEM and overall numeracy would serve us better for the future. Oh and come on kick out the disproportionate land owner representation that is the House of Lords and reform.
Agree. In fact I think that private education, an Oxbridge degree in PPE, excess property ownership, should all be bars to public office.
I don't have any antisemitic chums.
You're right -that was an entirely unnecessary, gratuitous dig. Corby was stitched up by everyone, because he a) might have won and b) wasn't entirely in the pockets of the "right" people. Can't have any loose cannons rolling around. Nothing like a good Stalinist purge to clean the ranks and purify the party.
You're right -that was an entirely unnecessary, gratuitous dig. Corby was stitched up by everyone, because he a) might have won and b) wasn't entirely in the pockets of the "right" people. Can't have any loose cannons rolling around. Nothing like a good Stalinist purge to clean the ranks and purify the party.
:ROFLMAO: Good job you don't read the Guardian then - it is leader of the anti Corbyn pack and probably did more to swing the 2019 election than anybody.
. The move to all electric vehicles is not the answer and will not happen whilst the cost of puchasing one is 50% more than an equivalent fossil fuel guzzling version.
The price of electric cars will be cheaper than ICE cars before they begin to be phased out.

Given the comparative complexity of a modern internal combustion engine compared to an electric motor I can believe it. Right now motor manufacturers are recouping R&D and tooling costs.

Electric cars ‘will be cheaper to produce than fossil fuel vehicles by 2027’
The price of electric cars will be cheaper than ICE cars before they begin to be phased out.

Given the comparative complexity of a modern internal combustion engine compared to an electric motor I can believe it. Right now motor manufacturers are recouping R&D and tooling costs.

Electric cars ‘will be cheaper to produce than fossil fuel vehicles by 2027’

That's good, but how long until EV are better than ICE? Or will we all be confined to travel within 20 miles of our home so it will be a moot point anyway.
1. Thanks for cheering us all up. I really needed that. Fabulous.
2. You haven’t written anything original and you haven’t provided any solutions so what was the point of this?
3. I came to this forum to escape into a joyful world of woodworking, not to read poorly punctuated amateur climate science. Perhaps there’s a better forum for you called “uk doom beacon” please go there and let me enjoy people making stuff out of wood.

And maybe, if the climate is upsetting you, give yourself a couple of days off from reading the paper.
1. Thanks for cheering us all up. I really needed that. Fabulous.
2. You haven’t written anything original and you haven’t provided any solutions so what was the point of this?
3. I came to this forum to escape into a joyful world of woodworking, not to read poorly punctuated amateur climate science. Perhaps there’s a better forum for you called “uk doom beacon” please go there and let me enjoy people making stuff out of wood.

And maybe, if the climate is upsetting you, give yourself a couple of days off from reading the paper.
It's a game called 'doubt the experts' that a handful of people on UKW like to play, Ben. It involves skipping around the net trying to find contrary views and then presenting them as the truth, preferably with a bit of conspiracy theory thrown in. It's harmless enough and often quite amusing.
Maybe the mods could move it into the padded room? Don't want to upset the old folk!
All very interesting and as recently noted, rather amusing.

My slant on things: one of the most 'convincing' articles on the subject that I have seen used a basic risk assessment analysis; up one side you have 'do nothing' to 'do everything possible at whatever the cost', along the bottom you have impacts from 'booger all' to 'complete Armageddon'.

It's a very simple way of grasping the situation.

The BIG problem is that the money is controlled by a sector of the planets population on whose agenda the rest of us do not factor.

We can no longer prevent it only mitigate it, IF we can actually get off our entitled fat behinds and are prepare to be inconvenienced for a while. It is well known by many here I am a greenie and have been since the early 80's (never voted anything but Green), still love woodwork and try to be as eco as I can.

But as a movement, environmentalism has failed. Mainly due to greed and laziness for the most part of the average person. Just look at the EV threads to see how opposed people are to being inconvenienced, even for the sake of keeping their kids and grandkids ability to breathe clean air and eat good healthy food. The environment that has allowed humanity to prosper over the last 15K years has now been so damaged that it is no longer viable. The "tipping point" has been passed and there is nothing we can do, absolutely nothing to prevent catastrophic changes happening, impacting our ability to feed and water the majority of the earths human population (forget about wildlife). We are also now on the road to a point where it is now thought that the level of CO2 could reach a density that will in fact be high enough to actually affect our cognitive abilities.

As much of a technophile that I am, I do at times wish Stevenson, Brunnel et al had succumb to childhood cholera or TB but hey ho it is what it is and in the words of the most learned Scotsman I know of

It's not an attitude just a statement of fact. The latest climatic reports from various different sources show we have indeed passed the point of no return. Peoples inane self centred arguments against EVs show how short sighted and narrow minded people can be and generally are when they have to be the ones to actually do something and put in some effort. As to why I get up in the morning, well until very recently I had to get up in order to take around 40 tablets each morning around 6am. Now I am down to just 2 and can have a bit of a lie in until 7am as it now only takes a minute and a mouthful of milk rather than an hour and a pint.

For me I know I am only going to be around long enough to not be really affected nor see the effects of full on change. So, I now get to be the selfish one and not give a flying monkies about what's coming and get to join in with the rest of the ostriches and do what the **** I want. So yes I have a nice new positive attitude as now I get to not give a dung anymore. I have just ordered 2CWT of good old fashioned coal for the stove this winter and a cord of wood. I will be able to mix it together and no one will be any the wiser once it's dark; oh and I have just bought an nice old wreck of a 3LV6 Diesel Crafter to turn into a permanent camper, so I can travel around and see all of natures beauty before either I die or it does. Also changed the spec on the new house build from COB to good old concrete as thats the dirtiest material I can find to build with. Also looking to buy good prime agricultural land 10 acres should do that I can take out of production and have just as a nice piece of Astroturf.
Just look at the EV threads to see how opposed people are to being inconvenienced, even for the sake of keeping their kids and grandkids ability to breathe clean air and eat good healthy food.

I tend not to take the sentiment on here as indicative of wider public opinion as the membership is probably not representative of UK society (thankfully ;) :ROFLMAO:)
Because every single weather event is obvious evidence of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Emergency, whether it be warming, cooling or neutral, we are all, imminently, going to die. The only way to fix this is to have a command economy run by experts, who will tell us what we can and cannot do, what we can and cannot eat, and where we can and cannot go. Interestingly the same command economy with the same brutal invasions of all aspects of life is also required (and being put in place) to save us from the appalling pandemic. What an astonishing coincidence!

Today I have been reading about Jupiter being 500 °C hotter than it should be. This has, allegedly, been conclusively proven to be caused by solar winds. Currently the IPCC make no allowance for the sun doing any heating other than the the obvious and unvarying sunshine, so that may need to change. Perhaps climate is driven by the sun after all, rather than burned dinosaur bones as supposed.

I have also been reading up on the Beaufort Gyre, and how this will, at some point soon, tip us into a dramatic cooling something like the little ice age.

Lots of intriguing "alternative" Science out there, but you won't find it in the Guardian. The climate is quite possibly about to do some very alarming things, but also possibly not what people are telling you it is going to do. Hotter is better for all plants and animals; cold kills everything. We are overdue for the end of our current interglacial, so what could possibly go wrong?
I'm a great believer of the Mayans' prophecy of the world ending!
The very first post says that "the UK is not a large contributor to greenhouse gases". This is not true. The UK is responsible for 1.1% of greenhouse emissions and only has 0.87% of the population. 17th largest emissions in the world.

I do believe we can make a difference to greenhouse emissions. I have seen the change in my friends and my own mindsets. I also believe the worlds population will start to decrease slowly from 2025 so at least it wont be growing anymore.
I tend not to take the sentiment on here as indicative of wider public opinion as the membership is probably not representative of UK society (thankfully ;) :ROFLMAO:)
Dunno I think we are more of a cross section than many other groups - and it makes it more interesting.

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