Looking for Face-Plate with 1 1/2" x 6


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20 Aug 2014
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At first - sorry for my bad english. I´m German.

I got an old Woodturning-Lathe from 1929. Originally it´s a machine to produce wooden wheels of waggons.

It has a different thread than the usual german thread on it´s spindle-stock. I think its a 1 1/2" x 6 thread. I heard this is a usual thread in England and USA. Is that true?
It would be great if anybody could help me and give me an adress where I could order a Face-Plate with a 1 1/2" x 6 thread.

Here are some Pictures of the machine: drechsler-forum.de/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=36027

Thank you very much and Greetings from Germany!

Guten Abend John und willkommen

And my German is a bit rusty

Sorry i can not see the pictures as it appears as though you need to be registered do you have any other pictures. If the thread size is correct then Axminster Tools sell face plates with that size thread
You may want to check the shoulders as well as the threads. Also check threat lengths.

Thanks for the quick links!

Here are some photos of the machine and the thread:






Greetings from Germany!


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Interesting looking lathe the health and safety moaners will have nightmares about unguarded belts and pulleys LOL
Depending on how much the faceplates are, Axi do a threading kit in that size for about £50. I've got one and it's good and you could make up your own faceplates in whatever size you wanted then. Just a thought and wilkommen nach dem, erm, forum (mein Deutsch ist auch rusty. Es tut Mir leid).
Hi Semi,

Nice lathe - originally I expect it would have been driven from an overhead shaft, which in turn would have been driven by a water wheel or a steam engine, hence the flat belts.

What is to the right of the tailstock, on the extreme right of the lathe bed ?

your thread matches the Union Graduate lathe. Axminster tools sell them. I wanted a faceplate but I wanted one with a left and right hand thread, so what I bought was a backplate for the super precision chuck with RH +LH thread for £27.95 (Order Code: 900068). It isn't as useful as a proper faceplate because it has only 4 holes, and it has a raised section which would be used for locating on to the chuck. However it is very useful despite these issues.

Alternatively there is a proper faceplate (Order Code: 500132) also for £28 but it only has a right hand thread.
