Link to Popular Science and Popular Mechanics magazines

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Well this is strange. I tried out these links after posting and they worked fine. A few days later, they no longer worked, and I have had a message from another member saying they have had trouble too. I tried it again just now and they both worked again. So I closed the pages and tried a few times again and the links worked each time. So perhaps if you have tried unsuccessfully, you might have better luck this time - or possibly not, but I think it may be worth it to keep trying.

While I'm trying out links I've posted, I have re-tried the link to American Woodworker magazine, and it seems to work so here it is again

Some of these can be downloaded as a pdf file and then copied to your acrobat reader for saving. If you don't copy it then you have to download each time. Others are only readable online it seems, I can't save them anyway.

I have just found out that this link

gives a whole load of magazines on all sorts of subjects, including issues of Today's Woodworker, which is a magazine I've not seen before. They include full size plans.
