Kreg Rocket jig query

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Established Member
27 Jul 2005
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I have just acquired the kreg Rocket Jig Kit from APTC. I followed the instructions as states but things are not right.

I'm using set-up no.2, using the 25mm screws and having the stop at 84mm. The problem being is that the screw head does not finish below the surface. On my first use, i had to file the screw head back flush to the face of the plywood. I have tried on MDF, Ply, solid timber but the screw heads are all sitting above the surface.

Is this a common thing or not??
Andy, I recall I had the same problem when I first got my Kreg kit. I also recall it was my fault. I moved the collar up the tapered drill bit and all was ok. Esssentially the tapered hole being bored wasn't deep enough. Got a feeling I mis-read the instructions or mis-measured the distance / mark on the drill bit or something stupid like that. Haven't used it for a while but will have a look if nobody can help.


Just remembered, was measuring on the guide that's on the base bit wrongly.
the thing is, if i move the collar up, then makign the hole deeper, the 25mm screw then pops out of the position side. I'm using this on 12mm birch ply.
lynx. are you measuring the collar from the top of the wider part of the

sorry that does not make sense, but the drill is stepped, so have you
measured up from the top of the step to where the collar should go.
the other thing is are you sure you are not using screws that are too

i remember that there is an article in a recent magazine, which
specifies the correct length for the wood you are using.

paul :wink:
Just tried it with my Rocket on some 12mm birch ply and get the same problem and that is using Kreg 1" screws. I have only used it on thicker stock in the past.

Perhaps the extra 0.7mm difference in US 1/2" board and our 12mm board makes all the difference :lol:

Maybe try using some 3.5x25 screws as the heads will be a little smaller but watch for spliting the ply.

Jason, thanks for testing.

This is a real shame as i bought the jig for 12mm drawers :twisted: , looks like i'll have to increase the thickness to 15mm
Been using this system for over a year now with no problems. Even invested in the FORNAM. You can buy smaller screws in this country. They dont have to be Kreg screws. Just buy a panhead screw.
Did a contract a few months ago, a new carehome and whilst there a load of new furniture was delivered. All expensive STAG brand. Chestof drawers, coffee tables , TV units etc. All used Pocket hole Joinery.
