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Established Member
11 Nov 2007
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Crawled into the doctors this morning, suspected gall stone, 'we don't deal with that here,' the receptionist intoned, 'you'll have to go to Carmarthen hospital!'
30 miles away!
Old age and jobsworths are a pain!

Digit":eg3nozc1 said:
Crawled into the doctors this morning, suspected gall stone, 'we don't deal with that here,' the receptionist intoned, 'you'll have to go to Carmarthen hospital!'
30 miles away!
Old age and jobsworths are a pain!


If they don't have the skills, surely you wouldn't want them to just "give it a try"?

They have the skills, and in fact eventually agreed to let me see the doctor who had been treating me for the last fortnight, hence my surprise.

Digit":1yklfclg said:
'we don't deal with that here,' the receptionist intoned, 'you'll have to go to Carmarthen hospital!'


Erm! since when have Doctors receptionist been given the power to give medical advice?
Lord knows! Fortunately my doc had a better appreciation of the difficulty I would face in driving such a distance.
The receptionist is new, we'll see how long she lasts!

Sorry Roy, but if that were me I'd have reminded her of her position and tell her you wish to see a quack because its an emrgency call in.
Put it this way, I made it very clear that there was no way I would be able to make that journey under my own steam!
Passing a stone is reputed to be the second most painful event next to child birth, about which i can't comment, but it's not fun!

Digit":3fdqrhci said:
Passing a stone is reputed to be the second most painful event next to child birth, about which i can't comment, but it's not fun!


Kidney stone is just as painful...I should know...mine was 6mm big and spikey. :(
Jobsworths are everywhere. :twisted:

Hope you get well soon, without too much pain, I think it is said to be worse than childbirth, not second to it. #-o Anyway OUCH
you get 6 months off for child birth - i know it must sting a bit, but, c'mon 6 months????? I got a splinter the other day - boy did that baby hurt on the way out! Did i take any time off, did i chuff.
RussianRouter":qw0rti7q said:
Digit":qw0rti7q said:
Passing a stone is reputed to be the second most painful event next to child birth, about which i can't comment, but it's not fun!


Kidney stone is just as painful...I should know...mine was 6mm big and spikey. :(

I was just about to ask whether Digit really meant Gall stones. I didn't think Gall stones were "passed" but have to be removed surgically? That and the reference is about kidney stones.
As far as I know small gall stones can be passed, but I'm no expert on that subject, thankfully.

Digit":2afiu0ud said:
As far as I know small gall stones can be passed, but I'm no expert on that subject, thankfully.


'Tis true, but with a number 2. The following comes from this site. It worked for my wife and she avoided having to have surgery. There is a warning over very big stones, though.


1. For the first five days, drink at least four glasses of apple juice every day. Or eat four or five apples, whichever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gallstones. During the five days, eat normally.

2. On the sixth day, take no dinner.

3. At 6 pm, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water.

4. At 8 pm, repeat the same. Epsom salt or magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts.

5. At 10 pm, take half cup olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup fresh lemon juice. Mix it well and drink it. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage. See above about possible instant diarrhea during this final step to remove gallstones naturally.

The next morning, you will find green stones in your stools. "
Small gall stones can be passed, but you probably wouldnt notice it, as they would almost certainly go into your bowel. Having said that, if they got lodged elsewhere (pancreas, for instance) then that certainly *can* be painful and rather serious.

Hope the pain passes swiftly. And dont be too hard on the receptionist, as she may have thought you were expecting an A&E admission, rather than just to see your GP.

Take care,
Thanks for the info gentlemen, I'm out of pain at the moment so either the stones have been passed or have 'dropped back'.
I'm due for a scan on Monday and I'm certainly interested in a natural remedy as I do not wish another bout of surgery.

FWIW I know two people recently who've had gall stones removed surgically. The first is in her seventies and the stones caused her real grief for a couple of weeks before they were removed the second simply suspected she had stones from some mild symptoms. Nevertheless, both had the stones removed and were back on their feet as if they'd never been operated on.
My daughter in law, in her 20s, has recently had her gall bladder removed. She was in hospital for two days, the operation was the so called 'key hole' surgery, unlike my last op. Mine was more like 'barn door!'
