japanese dozuku saw - loose blade


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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
Just bought one of these...a Shark..from Rutlands and notice that the blade is loose in the black strengthening rib...flops in and out but doesn't quite come out all the way. Forward/backward movement is non-existent and guess that that is really the critical axis...

but just wondered if they all were loose like this?

Cuts OK....frighteningly fragile blades...already broke a few off just by letting the saw drop onto the corner of some softwood

Mine are all tight but the are all made by Z-saw.

Try tapping the back of the saw on to your bench with the blade facing upwards, this should drive the blade down into the back channel. If that does not work remove the blade and give the channel a squeeze with some grips/pliers and try again until you get a firm fit.

like jason i have a number that were shark saws, wonder if these
newer ones are made elsewhere and to lower standards??

dropped all mine at various times, and the teeth are still there.

paul :wink:
Mmmm..thanks for that. Since I'm sending back some really duff carving chisels, I might as well send this saw back also.

Can anyone recommend a good make/source of Japanese saws?

I was wondering about these
Since Toolbay.net disappeared I have been getting mine from Dick . Axminster had some offers on Japanese saws recently as well. Z-saw are the make I use.

The Kabata speed 265 is a handy saw for fine work on site, I've got tw- one on the bench and one in my toolbox along with a couple of blades so I can try to keep the best one for "best" :D

roger, the other place to check is lidl, don't ignore their saw offers,
many of us use them as site type saws, they are remarkably
inexpensive, and seem pretty well made.

sadly not around at the moment, but worth a looksee when they are.

and i certainly don't work for lidl :lol:

at aptc last year i bought the special pack, and they seem ok, so
maybe that is the route. i kind of get the impression that people
like rutland follow trends rather than set them, and do not bother
to control the quality of their stock, nor understand what these
unusual items are supposed to do, nor why they should be carefully
checked before shipping. :twisted:

anyway good luck with the returns
paul :wink: