Is Firefox past its sell-by?

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Established Member
10 Mar 2007
Reaction score
West Muddylands
I just installed the latest Firefox, because my version was playing ip.
I tried to install the spull-chicker, (which for some strange reason, isn't already installed) four times, and still it won't work.

It's annoying. I can spill quite wull, but my typing isn't all that special, so I rely un the spull-chick te find embarrasing typous. (IE is absolute ruggish too!)

So, is there a better brooser? :)
I don't get it.
I thought Flash was necessary to enable any browser to play videos.
I just wish these money-grabbing nincompoops would stop competing with one another to see who can make the most money, and/or control the most of the net.
Look at whht Google has done to YouTube. Ruined it.

Also, until I renewed Firefox this morning, spell-check was working fine!
My Firefox has just upgraded itself - it uses Yahoo now has its default search engine but you can get round that.
Has a new gizmo that shows whose looking into your system on a world map.

As a aside:
To get around the constant pop-ups from MS, I downloaded Win10 to install later but 3days later it installed itself! Others have experienced that too.
I had problems authenticating it and not recognising my DVD drive but sorted now and all my Win7 software is working.

I've scanned my system with anti-virus, anti-malware, and cleared it out with CC cleaner. I still can't get the spell-check to work