I just won this


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Reglue the handle using Titebond II or Titebond Original. Clamp and leave for 24 hours to cure.

Send me a PM with your address and I will send you some stain you can mix up from powder (all you need is meths)...which will stain the beech handles back to "rosewood" type..then you just need to put some varnish on it.

Other than that...great find...you might want to search the bootfairs for an older one...just play with that one first until you learn the difference between the newer and older onces!

Welcome to the slope!!!


Pvt_Ryan":qg4xnrab said:
If anyone has instructions on how to make one I would be grateful...
Lee Valley have plans for Stanley plane handles on their website. Unfortunately I'm a vegetable when it comes to posting links. However, if you have no luck searching their site, PM me your e-mail address and I'll send copies to you (they're in pdf format and can be downloaded - which I've done).

Cheers, Vann.
cool thanks.

anyone know where i can get smallish bits of hardwood in the cambridge/ely area.

Ridgeons are who i normally use but they only sell large cuts (6"x6') of hardwood looking at their website, or is that the norm?
I suggest you go round in person when they are not busy and see if you can find some offcuts in exchange for a contribution to the tea fund. Not the sort of thing anyone is going to list on a website!

Otherwise, a good source of chunky sections of hardwood is any window installer who would be ripping out bits of cill.

Thirdly, check whether you have a local wood recycling project - these can be a great source of unusual size pieces of desirable timber.

(A quick search brings up http://cambridgewoodworks.org.uk/ and a national list at http://www.communitywoodrecycling.org.uk/index.htm)
Thanks Andy, I didn't know about those places (or even to look for them).

Ridgeons sell offcuts in batches every 3 or so weeks (they have a big box that when it's full gets sold) for £10 + vat. I got a load of soft woods and general timber, enough to fill the back seat and boot of a fiesta and 98% of it is of useful sizes the rest is good for covering mistakes, i mean er repairs..
Pvt_Ryan":1lbz398m said:
So am I better off getting a 51/2 instead of a 5?



But be careful if you are using eBay.

I bought a record 5-1/2, that looked like a pre-war model. Until I got it, and discovered that only the lever cap was pre-war. The frog was post-war and well post war at that!

Won't make much odds when the plane is fettled, but it wasn't what I thought it to be. I should have asked a few questions of the seller, I know, but I had been missing these 5-1/2s with regularity.

So no more eBay planes for me!

John :wink: