I’m sorry but we blew up your laptop (welcome to Israel)


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sorry I was already editing it. Snot my image.
Scary story.
There is this, too.
What are you pointing to?.

As for the Isrealis, in another generation or two they will still have their own country. I don't see this being the same here. We'll be another Kosova and, in a way, unfortunately, I'm glad that my children are not producing offspring in England.


Just the story, just the story.

And just so as this doesn't descend into a locked political thread, I'm not anti-Jewish (although I am fairly anti-Israel) and I'm not anti-Arab (although I am fairly anti- terrorist).

In both cases I'm anti-bully.

Steve Maskery":1kepmakd said:
I'm not anti-Jewish (although I am fairly anti-Israel) and I'm not anti-Arab (although I am fairly anti- terrorist).

In both cases I'm anti-bully.


I don't think you are alone in holding that viewpoint.

plymouth pirate":1kepmakd said:
As for the Isrealis, in another generation or two they will still have their own country.

I suppose like many of it's kind the above statement would make a very good headline for 1 or 2 newspapers with names starting with "The" followed by 3 or 4 letters, but like their stories - reality bears little to no resemblance to the story.

plymouth pirate":1kepmakd said:
I don't see this being the same here. We'll be another Kosova..

I somehow doubt it - but hey everyone's entitled to their own doom and gloom.
[/quote]I suppose like many of it's kind the above statement would make a very good headline for 1 or 2 newspapers with names starting with "The" followed by 3 or 4 letters, but like their stories - reality bears little to no resemblance to the story.
Dibs, you obviously know something I don't, (not difficult), but where do you find the "reality" bit is differing? I'm thinking of the birth figures that came out a while ago.


plymouth pirate":3e6hw11o said:
Dibs, you obviously know something I don't, (not difficult), but where do you find the "reality" bit is differing? I'm thinking of the birth figures that came out a while ago.



When you say birth figures - do you mean the influx of Eastern European's who are practising Catholics so are highly likely to have large families and may well not be going back? Combined with a declining birth rate in the indignious population?

Or are you referring to the Muslims - i.e. your reference to Kosovo and ethnic cleansing, i.e. wholesale murder on the basis of someone being a memeber of The Other?

Or are you referring to Kosovo simply because it is on our doorstep - i.e. European but exploded?
oh dear I never meant this to be a political thread. I just thought it was funny to see a mac with bullet holes. :D

Im happy for this to be removed if it goes political.
Dibs, there's no argument. I have my views and you yours.

I will say though, that as far as I'm aware, the Albanians were welcomed into Kosova and there were, initially, no problem. They however bred at five times the rate of the indigeonous population and then demanded independance from Serbia when outnumbering them. Or have I got it wrong? I'm not 100% sure of the facts and will gladly be corrected if wrong.


Going back to crazy gun happy Israelis, my old boss (a short chap who was white and English but tanned well) was stopped by Israeli customs and quizzed about why he had been to Tunisia earlier in the year. Gave him the third degree and was one step from being given the rubber glove search. We'd told him before that he looked like Yasser Arafat but previously had just told us to sod off :D
Going back to crazy gun happy Israelis, my old boss (a short chap who was white and English but tanned well) was stopped by Israeli customs and quizzed about why he had been to Tunisia earlier in the year. Gave him the third degree and was one step from being given the rubber glove search. We'd told him before that he looked like Yasser Arafat but previously had just told us to sod off

I know one thing, and that is that going through Isreali security the people that "man" it are trained to look at travellers and read their faces/body language and are generally 100% correct. Hence no El Al f**k ups in the last God knows how many years.

I'm a 67yr old Englishman of low/reasonably good stock, and, because of the possession of a 100% metal hip, am regulaqrly exposed to a full body search every time I pass through the gates at any UK airport.

I don't think our security staff are capable of doing what the Isrealis do, and that's the difference.


plymouth pirate":84ceqf59 said:
Dibs, there's no argument. I have my views and you yours.

I will say though, that as far as I'm aware, the Albanians were welcomed into Kosova and there were, initially, no problem. They however bred at five times the rate of the indigeonous population and then demanded independance from Serbia when outnumbering them. Or have I got it wrong? I'm not 100% sure of the facts and will gladly be corrected if wrong.



I'd have no problem if your statement was remotely factual - I'm not having a go at you, but the Serbs never welcomed Albanians into Kososvo. You'll find that Kosovo was part of the Ottomon Empire until occupied by Serbia in 1912. Shortly after which Kososvo was attacked by Serbia amongst others.

In your statement are you referring to the Albanians being re-admitted after 1912 and subsequently out-breeding the Serbs, i.e. what happened before was & is irrelevant?

You'll find from an historical perspective the Slavs crossed over into the Balkans around the 6th Century - whereas the Albanians are likely to have origins that go back further in that region. I can refer you to the academic papers and the references if you wish.

As for our security staff - it's a bit easier when you are shooting fish in a barrel and can put bullets in people - even people like Tom Hurndall without consequences.

In the words of Franklin -
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Tom - yeah it is a bit shocking to see some jumped up little a*se put bullets in a Macbook just because they feel like it.
It may be that they didn`t like that brand of computer? I have had a few that I would have liked to have shot but my neighbors do not like loud noises :roll:
Grinding One":nv7n5150 said:
It may be that they didn`t like that brand of computer? I have had a few that I would have liked to have shot but my neighbors do not like loud noises :roll:

I haven't had any of them but I've had a fair few users I'd have happily shot - but employment contracts haven't allowed that option.
Elvis Presley had a car (De Tomaso Pantera) which was a notoriously temperamental make and one day when it wouldn't start he shot it! :lol:

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