Established Member
Having finally cleaned up my timber storage facility (fancy name for cubby hole in the w'shop
) I can now insulate all the corners I missed first time round, possibly swipe the de-humidifier from the house and finally clear the wood out of the guest room... Hooray. But I have a dilemma.
How will I know if the timber is fit for use in the house? At the moment I work on the principle that if it's been in the house for a while, it'll be at the right M/C. Not the case with stuff stored elsewhere of course. I think a thermo-hygrometer such as these would be the best answer, as then I can get the storage area RH correct rather than having to check each piece with a moisture meter. Added benefits include it being cheaper than a MM :wink: , no invasive pin holes in the wood and also the meteorologist in the family can use it.
So am I on the right track, or all wet? (Ho ho...) And if I am (on the right track that is), would the second one down of those I linked to be okay for the task? The secondary sensor could take the weather reading outside the w'shop I thought, and the min/max memory would be handy for that too. On the other hand, is digital a bit of an overkill? :? Having a hygrometer in the workshop has been mentioned in the past, but details seem a bit thin on the ground and it all makes my poor neanderthal brain hurt anyway...
Comments and personal experience welcomed, derisory laughter ignored :wink:
Cheers, Alf
Having finally cleaned up my timber storage facility (fancy name for cubby hole in the w'shop
How will I know if the timber is fit for use in the house? At the moment I work on the principle that if it's been in the house for a while, it'll be at the right M/C. Not the case with stuff stored elsewhere of course. I think a thermo-hygrometer such as these would be the best answer, as then I can get the storage area RH correct rather than having to check each piece with a moisture meter. Added benefits include it being cheaper than a MM :wink: , no invasive pin holes in the wood and also the meteorologist in the family can use it.
So am I on the right track, or all wet? (Ho ho...) And if I am (on the right track that is), would the second one down of those I linked to be okay for the task? The secondary sensor could take the weather reading outside the w'shop I thought, and the min/max memory would be handy for that too. On the other hand, is digital a bit of an overkill? :? Having a hygrometer in the workshop has been mentioned in the past, but details seem a bit thin on the ground and it all makes my poor neanderthal brain hurt anyway...
Comments and personal experience welcomed, derisory laughter ignored :wink:
Cheers, Alf