Hullo sawdust 1. Make the file smaller is the easy answer! No, really .......
There are about as many ways of doing this as there are people in China, but being a PC Luddite I do it like this (assuming you have MS Office with Word -otherwise all bets are off, and you'll need some sort of photo processing software - I use Photoshop and it's marvellous, EXCEPT for re-sizing pix, hence the following):
1. Select (1 x RH mouse click) the file (picture) you need to resize;
2. Look down the resulting pull down menu until you find "Open with ... ";
3. Run your mouse pointer over the "Open with" line and a new menu will appear showing different options to open the picture with;
4. Click on "Microsoft Office Picture Manager" line and the picture will appear on your screen. Along the list of commands at the top you'll see "Edit Pictures". Click on that;
5. With the picture open under "Edit Pictures", on the RH side you'll see a list of options, and right down the bottom you'll see "Change Picture Size" followed by 2 separate possibilities, "Resize" and "Compress Pictures". Select the 2nd "Compress Pictures";
6. On the RH side you'll now see a list of options as little dots, starting with "Don't Compress" (no idea why that should be there, but that's MS for you !!!), followed by "Documents", then "Web Pages", then last, "E-mail messages". Select the "Documents" (i.e. click the little dot beside "Documents" so that the dot turns black).
7. You will now see the same picture on your screen but at a smaller size. Using the "Documents" setting may seem to be not the best option but I've found it works well, reducing a typical 2 to 3 Megabytes pic file to about 150 - 250 Kilobytes i.e. ideal for publishing on this Forum for example.
NOTE: If you wish to keep the original size pic file AND the compressed pic file you MUST give the compressed file a new name (i.e. "Save as ... "). I used the same file name simply followed by (for example) "filename-C.jpg".
I've put the above in very simple steps because, as above, when it comes to using PCs (and a lot of other things!) I'm a really very simple (read computer-phobic) soul. I hope I haven't offended you by over-simplyfying.
For my work I have to publish a lot of pictures in all sorts of documents, which I usually produce in Word (i.e. as a .doc or a .docx file) then (usually) I convert it to a .pdf file. These reports generally have at least 30 pix in each of them, sometimes 50 or 60 or more.
As said, I've found the above works perfectly, every time, and is really quick and simple once you've done it a few times. As also said above, if you haven't got Microsoft Office with Microsoft Office Picture Manager then you'll need a photo processing software, some of which I understand are free. I use Photoshop (not free!) and it does all sorts of photo enhancing really well but re-sizing pix is a PITA, hence the above.
Hope this helps. If you don't have MS Office & Pic Manager there'll be someone else along soon who will help - there are a lot of very clever people on this Forum.