How long have you been turning?

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Made my first pen exactly 1 year ago today so I will sing happy birthday to it!! :D Have also turned some bowls, a couple of clocks and a couple of crushgrind pepper mills. Like a previous post I find the repetitive excercises very tedious so I'm learning, slowly but surely, by making lots of sawdust and some shavings; but I enjoy every damned minute of it :D
First started in 1967 turned a few things including 3 platters the smallest 12" the largest over 18", I still have them. Then a gap for a few years and started again pretty much full time in 2002.

Started 2000 with a DML36sh then a gap until recuperating from slipped disc in 2007. Now have CL4 and try to turn every weekend. Work still gets in the way, will do for another 18 months.


About 18 months for me. Not much of that time was actually spent on the lathe. I reckon that I have spent about 60 hours in total (it still takes me about 4 hours to do a simple bowl).
Been turning almost full time since the early 90's and and did quite a bit in my youth in the mid 70's for a year or two.
Doug B":29rrxbuk said:
First lathe bought for me & me bro in 1978 by our dad, Black & decker drill on a pressed steel frame arrangement & a box set of marples chisels.

Still have it all, but a small gap of 25 years followed till i bought a DVR, though the seeds had been sowed in the mind of a 12 year old.

Glad you said you still had it - that's exactly what I started on, and I had an awful feeling you might have been the mug, oops, sorry, happy person I sold it to :)
First bit of turninig I did was at school in 1962. Then a BIG gap until about 8 or 9 years ago when the bug realy bit. :lol: :lol:

Hi Pete,

I discovered turning at the end of 2003, bought my first lathe in May 04, my current Jet lathe in 2005.

I decided to become a professional turner and was in the fortunate position to be able to set up my business but continue with my other employment and then gradually build it up and wind down my other work. I went full time on my 30th birthday this year!!! (June)


I started turning in 1978 when I was 12 on a black and decker drill attachment given to me by my grandfather. I then progressed to a coronet elf which my parents bought me for my 14th birthday which I still have to this day along with a couple of others.

My turnery is mainly concerned with furniture and clock components these days but still enjoy turning a bowl or platter when time allows.
I had an old Myford ML8 in my garage for about 10 years, but you could count on one hand the times I actually switched it on.
2 years ago, I joined a local club, had some lessons, and decided to have a go properly at woodturning. Upgraded to a CL4, and was well and truly bitten by the bug.
Unfortunately,what with working away from home and having 2 kids, the one thing I don't really have much of at the moment is time!

Malc :D
I turned a chess set about 20 years ago, on a metal work lathe, when I should have been researching my PhD. Then nothing until I turned a little bowl last New Year on my former father-in-law's machine. Made me realise this was the hobby I'd always wanted to pursue, though I hadn't known it.

Finally got my own workshop up and running about a month ago. Turning pretty much every day at the moment, and loving it. A little apple lidded box today. Should I have mowed the lawn? Perhaps.

Jonzjob":q6k79cj6 said:
Oh dear me Malc! You have just got to get your priorities correct you know :wink: :wink:

Just remember that children should be seen and ignored. The work bit is a pain, but it is relieved eventually.. And then you will wonder how you ever had time for it!


I would retire tomorrow if I could, but plan A isn't working at the moment ( keep chosing the wrong numbers), and there isn't a plan B!!

Malc :D
I turned my first bowl in '96 (on a mates coronet), got my own lathe (axi M900)in 2000, breifly went proffesional in 2001 (when FMD put my contracting buisness on its ass), and bought my current lathe (Axi 1200) in '08
I first touched a lathe end of may this year.
I had been researching making pens for about a year or so.

I first saw a lathe about 3-4 years ago at the chelmsford balloon festival where a man was making little mushrooms with a bark edge... I stood watching completely dumb struck and vowed I would have a go one day...

I now have a craft fair booked end of November for my pens!
I love it love it love it!
Since Jan 01 2009 - Blister's Fault!!! :D

Edit: I did have about 6months off when I had my op tho.

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