Has Mr Grimsdale been banned ?


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Gill":z8z7onvr said:
I just skim through the posts of members who persistently make derogatory contributions.....................

.................................. On the other hand, there are members who consistently make informative posts which are an educational delight. These are the posts that I really visit the forum to read.

Hi Gill,
On the first point........there is another way.................have an 'Ignore' list..........some forums do have this facility and it works for me :wink:

On the second point ...................have a 'Buddy' list

I'll leave you to speculate on which list you would put me, but you can PM me your choice if you wish :lol: :lol: :lol:
andy king":1spiv2hw said:
, and it was aimed squarely at those people, and they know who they are.


IMO it's really only a handful of people, maybe only three or four at most. Shame really 'cos up until recently I was promoting this forum on many others (Non woodworking) as an example of how people should behave on a public forum.

Might have to stop doing that now :cry:
Charley":terv9j8q said:
Again if anyone wants to contact me about this or anything else please do...

Hi Charley,

I have sent you a PM about one way I feel the site could be improved and all this bad feeling avoided.

You have said that you feel the BWW thread wasn't perhaps the right thing to allow, but in all honesty I can't see why. I could be wrong but I assume you didn't get paid anything by BWW, am I correct?

OK, So they featured UKW in the first issue, so what!!! the site will only get better with more members, we don't pay a subscription, you don't even have those annoying ads. which I've had to pay a small amount to remove on another forum I visit (Not a woodworking one)

I could say more but as Mike C said, I would really regret not comming on here, it has helped me a lot, and IIRC the help & advice has all come from people who don't feature in any of these 'negative' postings :D

As you have said it's your site, you're doing a reasonable* job and this certainly isn't meant to be patronising or 'buddy ish' or in any way 'me too' (I rather object to the implications that people have made about 'positive' thinking)

* I thought about using a word other than this but didn't want to be attacked from the people who don't like compliments and would prefer I said something rude or negative :wink:
DomValente":3ecmejjv said:
I thought this discussion was fairly amusing, until I saw this,

this is Charley's site and he is the 'Boss of Bosses' (sorry Dom )

Now things are going to get nasty

Smile, life's too short .


OMG Dom, I nearly said something about your jokes in my post above. So glad I keept my moth shut now :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeh, lifes too short, you're right about that!!
Jake":yhfyd8sl said:
I know Mr G expresses himself michievously at times, but I find the self-righteous crowd/cabal on the other side of those debates much more unpleasant and vituperative. Including in that thread, that day.

Mr Grim went to far by a smidgen and now bears the penalty. However, the quote above is exactly the issue.

Mr Grim was not the only member to cause offence the "self-righteous crowd/cabal" should also be banned for a month.
JFC":vtnsu3lf said:
the topic was raised, and the thread obviously broke at least one rule, for the Mods to ban/delete it...
So you think i should be banned for asking why a very knowledgable member of the forum has been banned ? Fair enough , if i have to read that kind of rubbish then i'm happy to go . :roll:

JFC - I think he's referring to the original thread (the one that got deleted). Please don't go...I've still got me windows to finish :wink:
:lol: The way it's going soon there will be no one left to talk to :lol:
I think the lunatics have taken over the asylum :shock: The original thread about Tony's plane was removed we are told because it would have taken too long to delete the offending posts. Just how many posts were involved then? I see that one of Angela's and one of Senior's have been removed and Andy King's post has been edited in this thread, someone had time for that then.

The posts that were removed were some mild mickey taking of Neil the Mod and I presume it is for this that they have been warned, unbelievable.

Andy King makes these offensive and provocative statements:-

1. Now it has become a nest of vipers, full of back stabbers and point scorers.

2. No doubt this will unleash a backlash, but bring it on!

3. I've kept my gloves on for far too long on this forum.

and just gets his post edited, while senior and Angela get warned!!

Could the mods please get together and give Neil a large dose of reality pills.


provocative or not, i stand by that statement. The thread that was taken down should have remained, along with a nother posting on another thread. I was defending an unfounded accusation, and I am perfectly within my rights to do so.
If you want me banned, fine. I'll just not bother, but if you hav=d certain members of this forum making repeated unfounded accusations about your own job, would just sit there and let them do it?
I've been accused in the past on here of taking bungs, recently i've been told i'm an amateur, what else does the forum want to accuse me of? I've got broad shoulders!

Feel free to edit this, ban me, do what you want, I couldn't care less.
Well you do shave your arms Andy :wink: Ok to prove how sharp you can get a blade but it's still shaving . :lol:
Mr Grims been banned? Oh no, I thought he was by far the most entertaining poster on here AND I've been on the receiving end of his invective. So the forum will become less like this :D and this :shock: and more like :cry: .
Andy, I will take your statements in order.

1. Now it has become a nest of vipers, full of back stabbers and point scorers.

You say the forum is full of back stabbers and point scorers, by any definition of full that I am aware this means that you have that opinion of the vast majority of the forum members. Please explain how exactly that is not the case.

2. No doubt this will unleash a backlash, but bring it on!

3. I've kept my gloves on for far too long on this forum.

The above two statements are both provocative and seeking argument, how exactly is that helpful to the forum?

I guess the remark "written by amateurs for amateurs" was what caused most offense. If so was it aimed directly at you or the magazine in general? If the latter then I think it is largely true. The content seems mostly aimed at the amateur (or hobby if amateur causes offense) woodworker and many articles, particularly the projects, are written by amateurs.

I certainly don't want anyone banned but think you need to word your posts a little more carefully if you don't want to cause offense.


Andy, I really don't think Mr Grimsdale was directly calling you an amateur. He just said that some magazines were written by amateurs for amateurs and that isn't entirely untrue. You may be a fully qualified professional woodworker but judging by the number of members on this forum who do not do woodwork as their main trade but are still getting articles published seems to show that the 'written by amateurs' comment was not untrue. I also doubt that there are many professional woodworkers out there who pop down to their corner shop to buy a magazine in order for them to do their job.

This isn't a dig at you, or any of the members who write articles who do not do woodwork for a living, but I do not think it was fair that Mr G was banned for making his opinions known just because some people took it the wrong way and took the word 'amateur' as a derogatory term. I also don't think it's fair that Senior has been banned for making a few comments in jest.

I also firmly believe that if this forum bans many more of the professional woodworkers, you'll soon find that the number of semi-skilled members will drop drastically, and then who will give advice to the beginners? And then what will be the point of an empty forum?
Obeone wrote
admin edit
. Would a mod please care to comment how that statement about 2 respected members is not offensive and a personal attack, especially from someone with only 27 posts.


Regardless of how you were provoked, responding as you did--and it is pretty inclusive of everyone--was also uncalled for.

Facts speak for themselves, we all get snippy (I did at Johnboy this morning--sorry) and we post things in such a way as to attack, no matter whether it is a subtle thing or not.

You could have responded to the charges as you saw them without being inclusive, without using language which was itself provoking a reaction. In that sense, how was your response any different than Jacob's?

None of the above has to do with whether you or he was right or wrong as to content. But the tone and some of thw wording of the message was beyond what it should have taken to defend your honor.

I fall on the side that there should be a bit more freedom of expression on the forum. At the same time, it can only happen if people withhold getting as personal as has happened.

Take care, Mike
Hi Mike, well written response, said many things I meant but expressed better.

No worries about what you said in the other thread, no offense taken.

Hi John,

I did post this after a similar comment was made
I apologise if you feel it indicates everyone on the forum, it was't meant to, but having to constantly justify my part in the woodworking world when postings are made without foundation does get tiresome, and it was aimed squarely at those people, and they know who they are.
and it really does get tiresome.
Mike, I agree, it was antagonistic, but as I said in other posts, being the brunt of some very personal digs does make me want to fight my corner.
I do my job to the best of my ability, and if forum members choose not to like it, or not bother with because it doesn't push the right buttons, that's fine, as are reasoned, rational postings regarding it, but Jacob often chooses to make his postings simply to gain reaction, not to offer any real input into a posting, and as I said before, for me to be subjected to accusations of taking bungs and the like, as I have been, then it really does start to grate.
I joined this forum to help and offer advice, and its all I ever wanted to do, but when I read members postings that have an effect on me or my livelihood that have no evidence to back up those claims, what am I expected to do?
Would other members accept their own occupation or work being dragged through the mud without foundation.


If I have offended members of the forum, I apologise, but stand by the fact that what was said was aimed at a few members who seem to enjoy doing what they do.

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