gandy's plugs

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Established Member
14 Jun 2009
Reaction score
west sussex
for a customer, 1st time i tried out my new hollowing tool too, seams to work well


30mm pink ivory :)
Nice :D - what's pink ivory like to work with ? I've seen it when I've been in John Boddys,but never been tempted to buy any yet.

its lovely to work with, finnishes really well my only pain is not having anywhere around here where i can go and see it, normaly myself and my customers want pink, pink ivory but the last time i ordered 2 lumps, on is pretty much just sap wood, ill keep hold of it tho, i like pink ivory with sap wood, :p
nice work gandy. How how about some work in progress shots on your next one?
sure, not sure what will come in next tho if its PTFE ill leave it till i get my next wood order
Pink ivory is my favoritistis wood to turn!!! I've only ever had two small pieces though, too expensive to use much, but holds detail like magic!
I take it the oil is still wet in that pic?

I've not tried vitamin e oil as a finish, but jojoba, neem olive etc don't tend to leave a glossy finish, more satiny.
yes, but once it has gone it and "dryed" it leaves a nice slighty shiny wood and bringsa up all of the colour, but it also just so happons to be all i have at the mo, i may try other things once ive run out
i took some step by step pics today of some plugs for a customer, only i missed abit because i i forgot to take a pic lol ill upload them and post monday
here we go, 1/2" holly deep concave eyelets for a customer that i made a few days ago

1st i round the wood off, and turn down to 2mm bigger then the size wanted

then i mark out the lengh of each plug (10mm) and give myself space for the parting tool and what i call "pips"

now with the round nose scraper rocking side to side with my thumb on the tool rest as a poivit point i make whats called the wearable, once down to the right size i will sand from 500g upto 2500g

then each one is parted off i when hold the plug by the pip in the jaws where i clean the front up ready for drilling, i would show you a pic, but i forgot

so here i am drilling out with a 5.5mm drill bit

and once again i forgot to take a pic, but again with the round nose scraper i concave the front while the plug is still held by the pip then sand from 500g upto 2500g , then i remove from the chuck, and wrap masking tape around the front so the jaws wont mark then remove the pip witht he parting tool add any shape into that back (this case i was asked to make it flat) and then sanded


and thats what they look like done ready to be oiled.

I see your blank appeared to have holly written on it, but it looks more like the beech I have turned than the holly?
This little box is beech

While this bangle is holly
i was told it was holly, :/ does look alot like the beech, have you got any beech un turned? so i can see if they look more like my blanks?
Thanks for the WIPS. I'd agree with either beech or Oak.
I assume it is a sort or ear insert. It is definately beech. I have done one or two of these ear inserts for customers made from boxwood but solid with a pyrographed design. I like the slice if cherry wood which the plug is displayed on and the way it has cracked.. very artistic.

As requested, holly on the left, beech on the right

close up, beech on top

The pattern in the beech will change with the angle of the face to the grain, on your black I don't think any of the faces are square to the grain.
Hi Gandy,

Not really my thing but what you make look to be of good quality, and that is what's important!!

Could be Beech but I don't think the rays (darker flecks) look quite right. I am leaning toward Lacewood/London Plane. It's a shame the final picture is blurred as this would probably be the one that shows it best!!



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