Hi all, after a long time without any woodwork (house move and finally starting to get straight!) i have made a simple ping-pong ball holder for the better half, basically a strip of pine, 12 holes, all rounded off with the router and then as it was cheap pine, got some 'dark oak' wood dye just to colourise it and it has turned out quite nice for what i think is a straightforward thing to make, but the forstner holes are not as neat as i would like.
so when using a forstner, do you have any tips or tricks to use them as well as answers to below :
1 - the 'nib' in the center obviously has left a small indentation, can this be removed and if so will it affect the use? how best to remove it?
2 - How do you get a perfectly smooth base? i expect it is either a substantial amount of sanding or expensive forstner, this is slightly ragged, and the dye has been soaked in and expanded the small bits (or is this to do with the wood used?). Every time i have used a forstner i get the same base issues.
3 - would the speed of the drill affect the base finish? i cant remember the speed it is set to, so may be wrong?
some pics of the item, and TBH the holes in the bottom, will be covered by the balls anyway and wasnt meant to be a fine woodwork project!
so when using a forstner, do you have any tips or tricks to use them as well as answers to below :
1 - the 'nib' in the center obviously has left a small indentation, can this be removed and if so will it affect the use? how best to remove it?
2 - How do you get a perfectly smooth base? i expect it is either a substantial amount of sanding or expensive forstner, this is slightly ragged, and the dye has been soaked in and expanded the small bits (or is this to do with the wood used?). Every time i have used a forstner i get the same base issues.
3 - would the speed of the drill affect the base finish? i cant remember the speed it is set to, so may be wrong?
some pics of the item, and TBH the holes in the bottom, will be covered by the balls anyway and wasnt meant to be a fine woodwork project!