Fobco Star drill advice

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Established Member
18 Jun 2006
Reaction score
Chichester, West Sussex
I bought an old Fobco Star bench drill last month - a good and solid bit of kit with no play in the quill (unlike my previous Chaiwanese drill)

Having been using the Fobco for a few weeks I have a couple of questions that hopefully other owners can help me with.

1. Adjusting the height of the head assembly. I have been unable to move the head - the very top of the pillar (the bit protruding into the drive belt chanber) looks rusty but below this (including inside the body) is 'clean and greased'.There is a pinch bolt that clamps the head to the pillar and this can be loosened ok. There is also a support collar that clamps to the pillar below the head assembly and this can be released and move up and down the column. So the first question is should the whole head assembly rotate around the pillar when released or is there some key/peg that forces the head to remain aligned with the base? Any suggestions as to how to easily release and adjust the height of the head assembly (without any damage to the castings).

2. Adjusting the angle of the table. I can rotate the table around the drill OK but beneath the table is an angled lever. I don't want to force this and want to know if this has to be unscrewed to unlock and lock the table at a selected angle between horizontal or vertical or is this something that keeps the table horizontal?

If need be I can take photos to show what I'm talking about. Also if anybody has a parts list/diagram it would be really useful.


It is relatively unusual for the head to be moved vertically. The exception being when the belt guard has a hole for the top of the column although this is normally in conjunction with a lifting mechanism.
The ring below the head is to support the weight of the head when it is being rotated.

A photo of the table angle adjustment might help. If there is a hex nut on the axis of rotation and a small bent lever off axis, then this is a detent mechanism to set horizontal. Usually this is a tapered pin which is rotated and pulled to release.

If the lever is on the axis of rotation then is just a tool free release of the table angle lock.


Never tried to move the head on my Fobco - not sure why you want to move it? On mine, the lever under the table is in effect just a bent peg that goes through a hole in the flange of the table into a mating flange on the piece on the column, to lock the table at 90 degrees. It <<should>> just pull out. Oh, yes, and you can also use the "lever" to tighten up the bolt that holds the table to the column, which has tommy-bar holes through the head.
The machine is no longer in production but you might be able to get a manual from

O'Brian Manufacturing Ltd.
Unit 25 George Holmes Business
DE11 9DF

Tel: 01283 217588

They seem to have lots of entries in trade directories on line but no web presence in their own right that I can trace.



I have a Fobco Star as well and the head comes off mine, its stored under the bench at the moment with the head lowered, so it is possible, have you tried loosening the pinch bolt and wiggling the head from side to side it might just be stuck, some oil might help, leave the collar tight these things are heavy!!

Thanks everone for the advice.

I'll try contacting the company as you suggest Bob - I hadn't even entertained the idea that the company might still exist.

Dickm - following your info I tried moving the cranked pin under the table - I don't think it had been moved for years. With WD40 and a bit of steel tubing to give extra leverage it eventually moved and came out. I cleaned and greased it and it can now easily be moved with just finger pressure. Looking at it I can see it is a useful built in tool for adjusting the angle of the table.

Pete - thanks for that info - I'm sure the head is just stuck. I've undone and removed the three components of the pinch bolt and they are all well lubricated and slide easily. I'll try lubricating the top of the column and let it 'soak in' - the top bit of the column looks rusty and I think that is where the problem is. The fact that you say it will waggle from side to side means that I can keep 'annoying' it until it starts to move. As for heavy, that's an understatement - it took two fo us to lift and manoeuver the drill into place on the bench in the workshop. I'm glad I took a wheeled platform when we went to collect it as it was in a shed at the bottom of a long garden.

Hi, misterfish

Mine left an impression on me when I picked it up, in my arm!

Hi Pete

Just got back in from the workshop after bolting the drill down (which I should have done before!), oiling the top of the column and having a gentle waggle. Success - it rotated. I lowered the collar and then let the head down a bit, cleaned off the top couple of inches of the colunm and greased it. It now moves like a dream. I ended up using one of my quickgrip clamps in spreader mode to raise the head again - very little effort needed.



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