first turning done

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Established Member
6 Apr 2012
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After a man called Guy came to the club and demo'ed a tea light. When I got home I was charged with a buzzing feeling

I must admit I loved the piece, plus I new I wanted to try and reproduce his piece

well after the Tudor show I made sure I had some wood to turn the piece from. Life jumps up some times and stops you in your tracks.

So a week or two ago I decided to just stop researching and watching Video's and make a start and have ago at some wood turning. So then I remembered what I seen at the club meeting and the Tudor show..............................well here it is......................... my Tea light holder from memory






I hope I've done it justice (still needs a finish putting on it) But now my sister wants two of them. I did turn a small bowl BUT that was PINCHED/FOUND a new home before I could take a photo of it.

Good first effort that, nice curves and it appears the research has all been worth it. Oh and you best get used to family members swiping things early on as it happens all of the time. Did you use an insert for the tea light as it may be something to consider in the future as the flimsy metal casing gets exremely hot.

Thank you for the heads up steve and the kind comments

you never know I maybe aloud in the work shop at the weekend ??

I have a pen I want to turn for a friend and two of the tea light to turn


Well done with your first turning =D>

Looks to be well turned , with more practice the beads will become easier also the small V cuts

Its a great start and if your family are already asking for item they must be happy as well , so its a win win situation :wink:
Well done from me too Tom. There are some nice flowing curves there and s for the detail, that will come with practice. The first friction polish that I used, and still do, is Record SpeedanEzze. Lovely finish and easy to apply.

As has been said, you will get used to your labours finding legs, doing a runner and re-appearing in family/friends houses :shock: Just keep on making the shavings, even they will vanish and re-appear in the compost :mrgreen: Sometimes I see more compost than nice, pinchable wooden bits :x All part of the lerning cliff and I'm still climbing it! :shock:
I'm sat here with the biggest grin on my face you've ever seen

Really big thank you for the comments they mean so much.

The beading was done with a screw driver as I didn't have a beading chisel

hi tom
very nice first turning
you are right to be proud of yourself
and as you say
The beading was done with a screw driver as I didn't have a beading chisel
just proving Necessity is the mother of invention :wink:
well done