Elm Lidded Form.


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Established Member
29 Oct 2008
Reaction score
Norfolk, near the sea.
Hello everyone :) , I've been working 7 days a week for a bit so have been neglecting the poor old lathe. Still thats done for a few more months so I should get a decent amount of turning time in.
Made a little lidded form in Elm today, its 4 1/2" tall before the finial. Its finished with acrylic laquer.

Comments and critiques are most welcome.

Lovely comeback Johnny. Did you orient the word deliberately or is that grain serendipity? It works well whichever.

Lovely selection of wood johnny, and finished to your usual high standard and a pleasing form. As pete says hard to better that grain orientation.
Thanks everyone, its good to be back on the lathe 8)

Steve J, not in the 'Bat Cave' yet, its rendered out now and last Monday we applied a waterproofing tanking slurry to the render which is drying out really well and looks as if its done the trick 8) I still need to put in an end wall with doors and lay the concrete floor. I will take the camera with me monday and update the post on it :D

Pete,the grain is all natures work :lol: The Elm I have is so nicely figured its a case of you just can't miss.

Matt, the finial and lid are one piece of Elm,not ideal for finials but allowed me to make the little copy of the form in it.

Ian,glad you like it mate :D Have you turned the piece of Elm I gave you yet or is the metal work getting in the way of your woodturning? :D

I'm not entirely happy with the finial or at least the part above the mini form but spindle turning isn't really my thing, its something I need to do more of........

cheers JT
Hi Johnny,
The engineering work has kept me away from the wood lathe to some extent but I have a couple of craft fairs coming up and I have been busy building some stock up. I hope to make a couple of vases with your much appreciated piece of elm.
I am just on with a piece for the club competition on Tuesday I will post a thead when I am satisfied with the result.
Take care and I will catch up with you soon.