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Little Woodworm
2 Jul 2012
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While trying out different ideas for the delicate challenge I made this little oddity, it was an exercise in several techniques, inlay, colour and form. The inlays are Copper wire and a dark blue powder George sent me mixed with epoxy and run into a groove. The base is in Sycamore, the finial lid is Laburnum. Although the finial is pretty nice in form, I should have had something more substantial at the top, it would have balanced the piece better overall. Finish is high gloss Shellac, the soft highlights are a function of the light diffuser I use for the photography.

The lid is a very nice fit on this one, a smooth pop when it is removed and a precise shoomf when replaced!



Sorry to say Kim, but if you'd entered this one it would have won hands down!! Might not be as thin as some but the finial and stem are really delicate and elegant. Really like it.

Love the copper wire insert. It's polished up really well. How have you handled the join where the wire starts and finishes?


No worries Richard, I wasn't too sure if it was delicate enough! :)

The wire does have a visible join but it is nicely subtle, I cut it slightly oversize with a snip and then ground the ends square to fit, fiddly for sure! Thanks for the comment!
Hmm, copper wire? I hadn't thought of that.

It's beautiful, the only thing i'm not sure about is the 2 different lines, one seems to stick out, the other blends in. That might just be in the photo, though, and I'd be well pleased if I'd accomplished something like this.

Breaking new ground again Kim, you're giving me loads of ideas. When I've finished with my current obsession with bandsaw boxes ( I love the fact that most of the wood doesn't end up on the floor in shaving form, you can get concentric boxes down to about 3cm long) I'll get back to experimenting with round things again. Meanwhile the information is percolating.
You're right Heather, the wire is fractionally proud, a consequence of different hardness's between wire and wood during the sanding, the wire doesn't abrade quite as quickly so stays a little proud. Do give it a try!
It's a very nice curiosity, beautifully finished. The inlaid colour and wire add a focal point to show off the curves. It's good to see well photographed items too - makes a big difference.
I think the finial could still balance if less tall, but that's just personal preference. Did the copper wire cope with a scraper or just abrasives?
Thanks Mike, The wire was embedded in epoxy, I just took a gouge to it, gently of course so it wouldn't rip out. But HSS is much harder than copper so it was no problem.
Very nice indeed. Makes me glad I wasn't able to enter the competition this month. I went through a lot of timber making suitably delicate stuff, but wasn't happy enough with anything to enter it.

Very well done though, and especially the inlay.
I like that Kim, detail bands positioned well on the shoulder, great lines on the finial, a little fat compared with the base stem?
Really lovely. I saw a YouTube video a while ago on inlaying wire like that and I've been on the look out for nice thick gauge stuff to try ever since - looks like you have it down to a Tee.

Nice to see Labernum used too, it's one of my favorite woods. And, as always, a good pop and shoomf are important not to mention very impressive in themselves. :wink:

Lovely finish. Well done all round!

what a combination of style colour and design As was said above its simply wonderfully turned finished and thought out thank you for showing us =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>