cupped project

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Established Member
12 Oct 2010
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Hello everyone i started a small project last week with oak.I prepared the boards to 20mm from 26mm thick rough sawn boards glued 2 90mm boards together using biscuits to achieve a 180mm width and i went to them tonight to find it has cupped pretty badly the overall size is 20mm x 180mm x 300mm do i need to work with this sooner to prevent it from cupping so badly? it is not quarter sawn oak but i did not think it would cup so soon. :?
Is it to far gone? Will the project not pull the warps out when assembled? Wood is like this, I have had panels move over night before its not predictable. I have before laid the timber flat and placed weights on it to flatten them to the floor, left them a week or two and come back to a flatter board. There are other methods but not one is a guarantee really. I normally look to see if I can use the design of the project to pull the warps out.
Hudson Carpentry":31t1aizh said:
Is it to far gone? Will the project not pull the warps out when assembled? Wood is like this, I have had panels move over night before its not predictable. I have before laid the timber flat and placed weights on it to flatten them to the floor, left them a week or two and come back to a flatter board. There are other methods but not one is a guarantee really. I normally look to see if I can use the design of the project to pull the warps out.

I will be cutting this section in half from 300mm to 150mm will this help? Would it have been better to make more thinner sections than using 2 boards to make it 190mm wide?
How dry was the wood?
Did you work both sides equally when finish thicknessing?
Did you glue the boards up with opposing grain directions?

Has the glue moisture fully dispersed from the joints and biscuits, might be worth waiting a day or two with the board stood vertically (good air exposure both sides) to see if if flattens out somewhat.
CHJ":9lz2el2h said:
How dry was the wood?
Did you work both sides equally when finish thicknessing?
Did you glue the boards up with opposing grain directions?

Has the glue moisture fully dispersed from the joints and biscuits, might be worth waiting a day or two with the board stood vertically (good air exposure both sides) to see if if flattens out somewhat.

I am not sure how dry it was i bought it a few weeks ago kiln dried.
I thicknessed it equally then once glued i ran it through the planer again i maybe put it through the planer once glued too early causing it to move? :?