Cocobolo LN Planes

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Established Member
11 May 2007
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Bingley, UK
Are these discontinued now? When I got a 5 1/2 jack a few years ago, I ordered it with Coco handles, and ended up with both types as Cherry were the only ones in stock. In fact it took absolutely ages for CHT to get the Coco handles from LN, but eventually they got some for me.

Likely to increase in value maybe?
No, they are still available but you have to ask for them. I saw the pile of Cocobolo when I was at the factory the other week, and was told they have problems getting hold of reliable stock so don't make a big thing of offering it. But you can have it if you ask for it.
Hope this helps,
Philly :D
Hi Phily,

Thats good news! I feared the workers at Lie-Nielsen got sensible on cocobolo.

Btw, it's a wonderful wood, isn't it?


8-[ :whistle:

Cheers Pedder
It's difficult to find because it is endangered, and should be CITES listed and probably will be soon.
Interesting stuff. It looks even better than Brazilian Rosewood imo, but then again it doesn't smell anywhere near as nice.
I'm madly allergic to Coco dust, so sadly have to stay well away from it.
But it is a handsome timber!

Philly :D
Al - that was the first plane I made from Cocobolo. I had a strong reaction to the dust so I decided never to use it again. The offcut from the piece I used to make your plane went up on the "naughty shelf" and was forgotten about for two years.
Then I had a brainwave - the offcut of Coco would be perfect for a small smoother I had designed. As plenty of time had passed I had forgotten just how badly it affected me, so thought I would have a go. I would be fine as long as I used barrier cream, lots of extraction, dust mask, etc....
Wrong! I had two real bad weeks after working it. And that was just before a woodwork show, so it messed up my plan quite badly for that one.
So lesson learnt - it you have a reaction to a timber DO NOT USE IT AGAIN! I have since learned that once you become sensitised to one timber it makes it makes you more succeptable to others of the same family. And I really love using rosewoods, so would hate to lose a whole family of woods to work with.

Its a pretty timber though :lol:

Philly :D
Hi ALF+ Phily,

beautiful planes- Very sad that you got allergic. I like the rounded blades. When did you stop that?

Cheers Pedder
Thanks Pedder - I like the rounded top irons. Very 18th Century!
I might bring that style back one day.
Philly :D
There ya go, Pete - now we both more about it than I did! I have to say you wouldn't know it had cost such suffering - it's a gorgeous little plane. Philly brought a similarly lovely little smoother to a mini bash back in, um... 2007, which I seem to recall everyone had trouble putting down again. :wink: Ooo, a pic (The one in the middle of the five woodies, I think, Phil?)


Anyway, out of the blue in, er *checks blog* the following March, that little beauty dropped (gently) onto my doormat. And I do love the old style round top iron too. I imagine it's more work, life being what it is.

But I wander off topic ever more, 'cos I don't think there's any cocobolo in that picture. :lol:
May I wander slightly further off track Brainzy and ask ALF if I may...what is that Record over on the far left at the front...velly interestink!

Getting back on track...I might be parting with these soon...any interest PM me...


Nice init!


Sorry to hear about your allergy Phil...I would love to see more of your work in that fine wood before it disappears....

Al - yes, that was the one, next to the woodie with the lever cap. Blimey time flies! :lol:
No more work in Coco from me - two planes, both of which hit me for six.
Thankfully I'm fine with everything else - just finishing an African Blackwood beauty. Pics tomorrow :wink:
Philly :D
Alf":25m0bs7z said:
jimi43":25m0bs7z said:
May I wander slightly further off track Brainzy and ask ALF if I may...what is that Record over on the far left at the front...velly interestink!
I'm thinking that's probably a Calvert-Stevens 88. Rob's iirc, but might be Paul's.

Oh....lordy lordy lordy...ALF! I am going to have to blame you this time for greasing my slope.... :D

I WANT one!!!




PS...the LN handles have now gone to a new home...sorry for anyone who wanted them....
Alf":254zh04z said:
jimi43":254zh04z said:
May I wander slightly further off track Brainzy and ask ALF if I may...what is that Record over on the far left at the front...velly interestink!
I'm thinking that's probably a Calvert-Stevens 88. Rob's iirc, but might be Paul's.

Yes, it was Rob's - with a modified lever cap. If you do get one, Jim, they were notorious for the soles not being flat but Rob worked on his and got it working really well.

Cheers :wink:

Philly, Alf, pedder, anybody...WHERE can I buy a few slivers of 'rosewood' to repair a couple of Stanley 45's that I'm restoring? The handles have already had a hard life and I'm thinking I won't get the brass(?) pin out from the left hand side of the handles without totalling them. My naive thought is to get replacement 'rosewood' and carve/whittle/gnaw said 'rosewood' into a comfortable shape for my size 22 paws....

I am in possession of some 105-year-old teak lab benching from the school I teach at, so if anyone wants to set up an exchange/barter/horsetrade, please PM me - or you can sort it out publicly here and watch the fun as SOMEONE takes offence at either my offer or your's Saturday, people are bored....

I've got plenty of offcuts of Rosewood - its all Indonesian or Santos, so no Brazilian, but you're very welcome to some bits to rescue your handles.
Drop me a PM with your address,
Philly :D

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