Calling all Sharpeners - Panic not!!

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Established Member
15 Oct 2010
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Right we have all seen the ongoing threads regarding the rights/wrongs/opinions regarding sharpening well I think I may have a solutiuon

How about we have a UKW get together and then we can demonstrate our own chosen methods of sharpening, listen to each others views without the "quotes" and "requotes" just good old fashioned chat, demonstration, discussion and banter!

I have had a chat with Jacob this morning and he is prepared to come along and demonstrate the round bevel technique he advovates as well as Matthew Platt at WH who has kindly offered to open his premises to give us space for this, Matthew will also demonstrate the scary sharp methods.

To make this work I reckon we therefore need some more of you who are prepared to assist with this - I'm not looking for hardened professionals from the demo circuits but YOU UKW members to show the others how YOU sharpen your chisels/planes etc (Not tools for eye surgery :roll: )

So we have

Jacob Butler - Demonstrating Round Bevels =D>

Matthew Platt - Scary Sharp =D>

Steve Allford aka Promhandicam - Worksharp 3000 =D>

jhwbigley - Japanese Water Stones =D>

Paul Chapman - Toothed Blades and Scraper Planes =D>

Chris Smith aka Chrispy - Oil Stones and Strops =D>

Who is prepared to join them, basic bench grinder, ceramic stones, diamond stones, Tormek etc.

The date is to be confirmed and at this stage I would only like replies from those prepared to demonstrate their personal technique so that we know we can make this work, you would be asked to bring your own stones/grinders etc with you - If enough people are prepared to participate then we can confirm dates and open it up.

So please post below if you are prepared to help and the technique you are happy to demonstrate, if you would prefer to pm me initially please feel free to do so.

With the various techniques and hands on demos hopefully we can then all going away having decided what is the best way for each of us to sharpen our tools.

I await your offers!

Cool idea! If I was not an ocean and an incredibly large continent away, I would be all over this! I guess this means I will simply follow this thread with bated breath...
sounds like a good idea Roger, i will give it some thought. encase anybody else is wondering workshop heaven is located in Banbury oxfordshire

It'll be like High Noon!


Hmm, I might get a note from me mum.
We are not very far away from Matthew, and I would love to come along; though my sharpening methods maybe too close to Jacob's to set them apart - although I do leave some without a camber ... :)
A room full of sharp (ish) instruments
full of people with differing/passionate views ................... :shock:
I hope someones taking a webcam :lol:

I jest !
sounds like a brilliant idea.

"I'll show them" !

I think its an excellent idea especially for people like me who are new to woodworking. Its an excellent opportunity to watch and learn different methods and then to go home and practice and choose the one that suits us as individuals.
Hi Roger,

If you want to make this a really worthwhile event, why not widen the scope of it to cover not just sharpening blades but also how you set up and use your planes to deal with difficult woods. For example, use of back bevels on bevel-down planes; steeper angles on bevel-up planes; use of toothed blades; preparation and use of scrapers and scraper planes.

If you do that, then I think it could be a very useful day. However, sharpening on its own would, IMHO, be about as interesting as watching paint dry......

Cheers :wink:

Paul Chapman":1lqai6hw said:
Hi Roger,

If you want to make this a really worthwhile event, why not widen the scope of it to cover not just sharpening blades but also how you set up and use your planes to deal with difficult woods. For example, use of back bevels on bevel-down planes; steeper angles on bevel-up planes; use of toothed blades; preparation and use of scrapers and scraper planes.

If you do that, then I think it could be a very useful day. However, sharpening on its own would, IMHO, be about as interesting as watching paint dry......

Cheers :wink:


plus one

Maybe a bit of woodwork might be interesting and a visit to the pub and curry house might spice things up a bit.


I think this is a great idea. I use the scary sharp system from WH, with not always perfect results, so I will be watching Matthew with interest. I would like to look at (maybe even use) some different honing guides (I use the Kell No. 3). Grinding any blade has always scared me stupid so any help there would be good.

Setting up a plane once you have a sharp blade, as Paul suggested, would be very interesting.
JonnyD":1qy53pku said:
Paul Chapman":1qy53pku said:
. . . If you want to make this a really worthwhile event, why not widen the scope of it to cover not just sharpening blades but also how you set up and use your planes to deal with difficult woods.
Maybe . . . a visit to the pub and curry house might spice things up a bit.

What they said. But to add to the variety I'd be happy to bring along a Worksharp 3000 including the plane blade sharpening accessory and demonstrate that .
promhandicam":nhtnz1zc said:
What they said. But to add to the variety I'd be happy to bring along a Worksharp 3000 including the plane blade sharpening accessory and demonstrate that .

That is brilliant and the spirit i'm looking for - consider yourself enlisted - thank you

For those commenting re plane set up etc I'm sure we can cover that too!
I don't mind demoing Japanese Water stones, unless someone else more qualified comes along.

Sounds like it will be a good day.


Fantastic - Thank you another box ticked - I like it when a plan starts to come together
Dodge":3kexfnw1 said:
For those commenting re plane set up etc I'm sure we can cover that too!

OK, well I'd be happy to demonstrate the use of toothed blades and also the set up and use of scraper planes.

Cheers :wink:

Sounds like a fabulous idea - and if I could get a day release from Alloa all the way to Oxfordshire, I'd be up for it :) (perhaps even share fuel costs if anyone else in Scotland was interested?)

I would second the setting up of planes with the newly sharpened blades, as I am pretty sure I can get a sharp edge, but not always convinced i have the plane as well set up.

If Philly could be persuaded to come along, then a good going over of wooden planes would be an excellent addition.

And in fact, if the scope could be widened even further to include carving/turning tools, then an extremely worthwhile day could be had....

Paul Chapman":33r8v15b said:
OK, well I'd be happy to demonstrate the use of toothed blades and also the set up and use of scraper planes.

Cheers :wink:


thanks Paul - thats great

Regarding other requests whilst i think on this occasion we would be best to stick to flat blades, chisels,planes etc

Maybe we can organise other for later in the year for carving /woodturning etc
If it co-incides with a family visit to the Mainland, then I'm in as a spectator (and i need to buy Jacob a pint). But, if I can't cross on the ferry and drive the hundreds of miles from Stranraer to Dodge Town in deepest Lincolnshire, what say some kind soul to setting up a streaming video? Or, if we can persuade S.M. to weigh in, could he or someone like him, pop a Utube video up?

Great bit of creative thinking Rodger and maybe it will put the subject to bed for a while at least (on second thoughts perhaps not :) ) have you advertised for any "bouncers" for the event btw?

Too far for me to attend and not competant enough to demonstrate my dubious skills anyway but Sam' suggestion of streaming video sounds very interesting if it could be arranged, in which case I would definately be watching.

You've definately made an impact since your elevation to the lofty height of moderator =D> =D>


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