Calling all mac users with Forefox

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What version of java have you guys got installed?

my version is:

Version 1.5.0 (build 1.5.0_10-b03)
Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Just wondering if my problem is a missing dll or similar.

Thanks Roger for the feedback, think I will have to reconfigure a machine with safari and firefox and have a play if I can find one..
Sorry to but in on the MAC thread again but have tried Firefox 2 on a couple of windows PC's and my menus work fine.
Roger Sinden":3w2zconu said:
You've lost me, Chas. Firefox is OK on the mac with your sit as well so not sure of the problem or what we're looking for ??


I suspect that it is a dll or something that is loaded by M$ windows or Java runtime on the PC but is not getting installed on the Macs for some reason.
It might even be an option button somewhere that is not ticked. I don't know anything about the Mac unfortunately.

The Forum Menus that work are also Javascript but use CSS.
Chas what gets me with your drop down menus is the apparent randomness in which sometimes they work & sometimes not.

I've tried to approach them fast and slow, from left and right, top and bottom. I've hovered over individual letters as well as around the edge of the button and there is just no consistency.

Andy - Java J2SE 5 1.4.2 v10.0.2


If I follow so far..

your site is OK on Windows on a PC (FF and IE)

your site is OK on a Mac with FF

your site is not OK with safari on a mac.

This was a reply from the Apple forum

Safari adheres to the W3C standards for web site coding. As such, it is much more strict about not accepting sloppy code than other browsers, such as Firefox. This is both a good and bad strategy. Good in that Apple is a cooperative member of a group dedicated to conformity, security and efficiency in computer code. Bad because of situations similar to yours where the web site won't render as intended.

I use alternate browsers, including Firefox, for these type of situations. Safari, though, remains my primary browser. Overall for me, it's integration with the OS makes it easier to use.

so you might like to check your site against the W3C standards. If you're using something from Microsoft to create your webpages then there's no telling how far they 'push' the boundaries, shall we say.
Roger, The code does not meet the w3c standard in several respects.

The basic HTML code written by M$ Frontpage works on Firefox, and assuming everything else on the page is similar layout in Safari.

The Javascript menus are created by 'Xara' as embedded objects in the document. (easily edited and changed)

So it is this code that strays too far from the path as it were.

Your synopsis is correct, but why some macs do not display it in Forefox is obviously another factor, perhaps later models/software are stricter on code compliance.

Does Safari have the same problems with the menus here?
Just having another go with Firefox new download. Mac G4. Works fine with this site. So does Safari. Absolutely no probs with either that I can see.
But FF still doesn't work with Ebay - text OK but layout and graphics all over the place.
Any new ideas?

PS I think it's all down to not downloading any images which in turn alters layout, table cell sizes etc.
Why no images
Mr_Grimsdale":noon04l0 said:
...snip...PS I think it's all down to not downloading any images which in turn alters layout, table cell sizes etc.
Why no images

Possibly something to do with your security settings, images can carry nasties, another possibility is that some software does not like spaces and obscure characters in the file address.

E-Bay images display perfectly in Firefox on my PC's.
Roger Sinden":hxz79hif said:

Under firefox preferences, Contents....what boxes are ticked?

Block pop-ups un ticked
Load images.., Enable JavaScript, and Enable Java, all ticked.
Just noticed that FF has stopped loading images for this group also. I'm sure it was OK earlier!

Any exceptions under Load Images?

Very strange...if it was on a PC then I'd expect a conflict with the firewall but I'm assuming that you've not got any firewall or other such stuff on your Mac?

How does Safari fare?

One thought might be to delete the preference file of Firefox and see what happens.


Roger Sinden":3w5dpyl6 said:
Have you tried this page and clicked on this diagnostic?

Cleared cache recently? That's also well worth doing.
Thanks Roger that's done it - the diagnostic instructions. All seems OK now.
Earlier question; Safari works perfectly anyway - but I keep being told how wonderful FF is so that's why I am trying it.


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