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Established Member
7 May 2011
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Have been keenly reading the forums for months and months. Have to say I have learned alot from this place so thanks guys.
Have been moving more and more towards woodworking/carpentry after spending the best part of 20 years doing plastering/painting and kitchen fitting. Am being asked to do more and more shelving/cabinets/wardrobes the last couple of years so having shied away from a few am slowly building up some knowledge and having the confidence to take on different types of jobs. Just completed this. Any contructive criticism welcome (go easy) Made out of 18mm mdf and painted with dulux satin....these bookshelf/bookcases hold 700 paperbacks. I just used screws and glue....all seems pretty solid.

Also after some advice re: pricing. This job was to the clients drawings. I charged £675. It took me 2 days to make them and 2 days to fit them and paint 3 coats of paint. Four days in total. The mats was about £200 so not really a great earner but I reckon on getting quicker with each job. Is this a fair price? or could I get more for this type of work? The lady was very happy and paid up in cash the minute I finished so was just wondering what some of you fellas that do this kind of Mdf work think!

Have been asked to do a four meter run of wardrobes and drawers fully painted etc. and am after some advice on pricing this too?

Cheers for any help


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They look nice form here but with the angle I can't really see much of the work.

My only critic would be the skirting. I would had used the same profile.

All in all good work.
Cheers for reply and comments Hudson. The picture was the best angle I could get with getting everything in! Funny you should mention the skirting because i managed to find some skirting to match but just as I was beginning to scribe it over the existing the client said 'oh no I would prefer it flat mdf as it then looks like its free standing rather than fitted' she also didnt want any filler piece at the top. I suppose she had a point. For her I think her perception was that fitted furniture somehow has a 70s connotation........well that's the feeling I got.

Was all fine with me as it was easier anyway to just glue a flat piece of mdf straight onto the plinth.

Thanks again

I think it looks really smart and I quite like the flat plinth, it suits the over-all design and look. I would love to see a front facing photo.

For your wardrobes it depends on the type of doors/drawers. Drawers can be time consuming and if you are hand painting don't under estimate the time that could take. Maybe consider a small spray set up, even just for your priming (something like the Earlex 5000)
Cheers for your comments super and thanks for the advice re wardrobes. I am back on the job today to measure the wardrobes up so will take a front view picture. Can I simply add another photo to this thread?
Pricing, the difficult one.
On commissioned work I have a vague structure that I attempt to use.
Cost up the materials and add on 50% including delivery, fixings and paint etc.
Then guesstimate how many hours/whole days it will take.
I was advised by a friend who does theatre work to have a daily rate of £150-£200. I also add on a haggle factor of around 10%, and a hassle factor if the job looks like a pain to do.
When estimating the time always add on at least 25% because it will take longer then you think.
When I am making shelves, something I do a lot of I charge £35.00 per metre of shelf space. if those are 1m per section you are looking 24m at about £840.00. (
Just checked your figures and that is spot on. A rate like this is great for giving quick quotes. I worked it out using a clock and notebook, I also bump the price up every year or so.

Remember people are commissioning something that they cannot buy off the shelf, it is something bespoke and special to them, and they will value it. Make sure they pay for it.
Hope that helps.

They look really slick. Would love some like that in my house!

2 days to fit them and paint 3 coats of paint

Did you paint them after the whole thing was built? That's a lot of fiddly little alcoves to get into. Did you do it with a brush or a spray?
Cheers Chunko......good advice and will take note. It's all a learning curve just don't want to get caught out
and be working for pennies on such precise work. Easy to get caught out on how long things take but I suppose
you have got to take the plunge and just do the jobs remember how long they took for next time and hope you
get quicker at it.

Thanks Drillbit for nice comment. I painted the whole sheets of MDF before cutting with a short pile roller as was
very quick and easy. After cutting all the parts I rubbed it back down with some fine paper and gave it a coat
of oil based satin with a short pile 9inch roller. (Think I followed a thread where JasonB gave advice on this) I let it all dry overnight and then
assembled it late the next day. Final coat I done on the job cut in first with a brush and then a 4 inch mini foam roller going in as far as poss to get rid of
the brush marks. Was quite a tedious last coat even for a professional painter....keeping the build up of paint off the edges!!

Managed to get a front snap today.




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Nice work, very tidy.

Obviously prices can vary dramatically - you don't say where you are in the country. I do quite a bit of this work and here in West London charge around £500 all-in for a single bookcase in MDF with fixed shelves; adjustable shelves, cornice, mouldings etc... all bump the price up. I quoted £1250 all-in for a run of three similar yours (I make them as discrete units then join them together at the jobsite, each unit discounted slightly as it's 3-off) - that's designed, made, delivered and fitted, MDF throughout and primed but not painted. I'm trying to do less and less painting as I always underestimate the time it takes!

So yes, folks are prepared to pay more for a custom piece of furniture; as always it's a question of finding them ;)

HTH, Pete
Hi tezza
They look fantastic
I would love you to make something like this for me
Where are you based
Thanks davids1
Pete says
'So yes, folks are prepared to pay more for a custom piece of furniture; as always it's a question of finding them'
More a question of being found by them.
I was lucky with my shelving site, a mate wanted to have a go at search engine optimising.
I paid him twenty quid and lots of beer.
He was practising, ding his homweork I suppose. I get loads of offers to get me on The front page of google for hundreds or even thousands of pounds.
I am on the front page.
If you have a website be wary of people offering SEO at ridiculous prices.

Good to hear how you did it tezza.

I guess that is a case of where multiple skills come in handy.
Pete thanks for the good comments. I have seen your posts on hear during my lurking days and you always offer good advice. I looked at your website and have to say that is the first website that I have seen that manages convey a great image for carpenters/builders etc. It's very well done and worded to perfection. A real personal touch and your work looks very well thought out and executed. Gives me inspiration.

I too assembled first and then lugged them on the van and through the door. They were 3x600x2200 carcasses with fixed shelves. Any wider and I wouldn't have been able to lift em on my own let alone get em through the doorway. Must make a mental note to leave the back panels off next time and just nail em on on site! Good idea?

Davidd1 thanks when I can work out how to Pm i will send you my details. I am based in East Sussex but willing to travel if the job is worthwhile for me. I might be upping my prices though after seeing what Pete charges and if you are in West London. Lol. Not really. I am after the experience so am happy to keep prices down.

Chunko thanks for showing an interest. Your website too looks great. Interesting about the website and googling thing as I am just about to set up a website for my building side so will incorporate some of the furniture that I have done. Any tips or contacts you can give me can you Pm me. Can always return a favour.

Drillbit....cheers. I have nosed around here for long enough learning it wouldn't be decent to not share my trade secrets lol. The painting I have been doing for 23 years since I was 15. You are right..though about multiple skills. The paint finish is the last thing the client see's. A job well made and perfectly level could very easily be spoiled by bad painting. I wouldn't want to leave that to someone else after plunge sawing and carcass screwing through 6 sheets of MDF. Unless of course I could find a really good painter.

Ok on a lighter note. Anyone got any work!! As i've only managed 3 days a week or so for the last 8 months. Blame the economy.

Cheers everyone.....very friendly and unassuming forum.


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