Boiled Green Blanks, interesting charts if you have Excel.

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I saw Dave Reeks do a demo and he said he boils all his pieces (in a 55 gallon drum on a batch basis) and it really has speeded up the drying process + he now loosed less than 5% compared to around 15% without boiling.

I am still not sure what SWMBO would say if she came back and found the fruits of the day's work bubbling away on the stove though!
Having read about the results other people have with boiling especially some of the more 'difficult' woods' I decided to have a go and currently have a batch of Boiled part turned blanks sitting alongside some done in Meths. for comparison.

Fortunately I have small cooker in the shed for this and blank waxing 8) (and Microwave for wet wood drying) so no kitchen clashes.

Just awaiting a member of the family to upgrade their pressure cooker now to reduce the boiling time.

LOML :twisted: said I might as well take a spare bed up there as well, but I pointed out that I would need pocket money for a Wood Stove for the winter which stalled that move for a while anyway.