Best finish for an outside bar top

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26 May 2015
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I have recently built a bar in the back garden and I'm at the point of fitting the bar top. I have purchased some 40mm sequoia hardwood which should do the job. The bar has shutters on but half of the wood will be exposed to the weather.
What would be the best finish for the wood. I was looking at Danish Oil but would like a quite dark look to the bar top
Any advice much appreciated
I will say something just to bump this up.

Yacht varnish would be my first thought for an external bar. Is sequoia not a softwood?
I was at a boat show recently and saw a stand selling "Le Tonkinois" yacht varnish which could be what you need. I've seen it before at wood fairs and would have bought some, except that I really don't have a use for it at the moment. So I've no direct experience. However, it's available from their website, which explains that it's a thoroughly traditional yacht varnish. Worth a try?
Yes Le Tonkinois is well regarded. I have only used Epiphanes and found it lovely to use. When thinned down I have raged it on for internal work with good results.