Be Gentle - My First Box

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Established Member
28 Jan 2009
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Sunny Ipswich
Its my 12th Wedding anniversery tomorrow (silk) so thought I would try a more thoughtfull presentation of my gift. This is my first box and I have no idea if I have done it "right" or not.

I havn't a full set of chisels so it was made roughing out with a large spindle gouge (my biggest chisel), and smoothed with a skew. I then
parted the lid using a parting tool. I then hollowed with a small bowl gouge. Finish is sanding sealer and plain beeswax.

No idea what the wood is either it was a small tree that was taken down prior to me moving into the house, it may have been plum, this has been lying in the garden for 2 years, survived 2 fires which seems to have seasoned it nicely! it's "lined" with real silk.

Brilliant Matt ...
You've made a cracking job of that ! Well done indeed ! :lol: 8) :D

You're a day ahead of me.. our Anniv is the 6th .. 24 years and i'm only 44 :shock: :D

Love your box.. its a beaut, well done 8) 8) 8) 8)
Well no need to be gentle, I like that a lot, even better you turn a very nice box out of a piece of wood that most people would have made sure it burned on the fire. Nice to know what the reaction when given. Waiting to see what you turn out next. All the best for the day.
You've nailed that first go! Well Done.

I've just been commissioned to make a ring box. I'm sure I won't get it first go ;)
I am sure your other half will love that! very thoughtful and very well done! .... I have served 31 years of my sentence :( ... I mean ... 31 years of bliss!!! \:D/ :lol:
Lovely little box absolutely fantastic
first box..Bet she will love the box more than the gold.. :lol:
Past you, am on to my 31st this year...need to get a move on like you.
Shape and size seems perfect from the pics =D>
A nice box =D> I like the silk touch, I didn't even know 12 years was silk #-o I'm more than 3 times past that.
I'm sure she'll love it.
Well Done. =D> =D> =D>

John. B
Not bad at all for a first attempt, Matt. Sure 'er indoors will love it. Nice colourful timber as well. Very sensible shape to start off with once you get these perfected you can move on to the more ornate.

Looking carefully you need to pay a bit more attention to the edges, I see there are a few small chips around the edge of the lid. I know you have said you are still a bit short of tools, so this may be the cause.

How I do a lid like that is, when the blank is on the lathe and you are going to cut in to form the spigot. Mark the cutting dimensions with a pencil, it's a lot easier to eyeball the work when you have some datum lines to compare. Once you've decided what lines you intend cutting to, take the parting tool and before parting in to form the spigot, lay the tool on its side and press the lower tip in against the shoulder line. Now turn the tool right way up and cut in so as the cut line forms your shoulder. There you go, no torn fibres, or chips, and a perfectly square shoulder.

Do this when ever you need a clean shoulder, it works wonders.
Lovely piece of work,nice sentiment,and beautiful timber :D

Andrew (never made it to silk,now been divorced longer than I was married..)
Lovely thoughtful idea Matt,might be just the time to mention your lack of tools. Although you did such a good job you may have some convincing to do. And also a nice lesson from Tam to mark your day. Have a good one.
REgards Boysie
Hi Matt,

Nice work & nice thought!

If you do decide to get some pro tuition in the future you could do worse than Andy Coates. He's based at the Henstead Arts & Craft Centre (near Kessingland). I had two days with him when I started turning and he probably saved me two years of struggle!

If you're interested Andy is demonstrating at our club (West Suffolk Woodturning Club) on May 19th I think - if that's the third Tuesday of the month. You'd be welcome to come along as a guest to check him out and have a chat. I personally think it's very important to 'get along' with your tutor and you'd certainly get a feel for Andy's character/style. Let me know if you want more details.

Happy turning,

Thanks to everyone for your kind words, how did I know Tam would pick up on those flaws? :wink: Better pictures would have revealed a few more I am sure! I will admit to being quite chuffed with it, it's only my second piece using "proper" wood and the difference is staggering, although hollowing it out was very challenging!

Thanks for the offer Neil I will try to come along, but it clashes with my Suffolk Advanced Motorcyclists club meet. For my sins I am a IAM motorcycle observer trying to stop more people from getting mashed on the roads so if anyone wants to swop some motorbike lessons for turning ones let me know! We are a charity so i don't make any money out of it!!

i am holding off getting any proper lessons for a while untill funds allow, also i would like to wait untill I have a full set of tools so I can have someone in the know tell me what I have and what shape they should be because at the moment its pure guess work!!!!

Thanks again guys, it seeing work on here that keeps me trying!
Hey! Only trying to be helpful Matt. :lol: :lol:

Glad you didn't post a photo with more definition, I could have spent ages typing out my reply. :twisted:

You would be more than welcome to spend a day here picking what little brains I have if you where just a little closer.
Very nice Matt,

Looks like you lost little wood on parting. Well done

And a lovely thoughtful gift. Congrats on your Aniversary.
