BBC I player.....bummer!

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Established Member
26 Jun 2005
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grimsby Humberside
I don't know if there is something wrong with bbc I player at the moment as I missed Top Gear last night and it was from this neck of the woods. I thought no problem I will watch it on I player tonight. Wrong! I started to watch the programme and half way through it stopped and started buffering, I waited and waited and waited and gave up and re started the computer to try again. Wenmt back on to the site and tried again and all it does now is buffer all the time?? Has anyone else had problems with the site? :(
Can't help with the iplayer, I'm afraid, but did spot a continuity error in the show. They were supposed to be driving electric cars to Cleethorpes via Lincoln. Fair enough, except one shot was definitely of them on the Caistor bypass BEFORE they got to Lincoln.

mailee":1lp2upxo said:
Has anyone else had problems with the site? :(
Loads recently. If you get the damn program to start that's a bonus; if you can watch it without it hanging it's a minor miracle... and I tend to watch in the wee small hours so it isn't traffic related.
Not wanting to give the 'plot' away, but this may have something to do with it.

The clown that is clarkson tested an electric car and 'fudged' it so the range looked rediculously low. Unbeknown to the cretin the manufacturer had a data logger in the vehicle that proved coco hadn't fully charged it. Needless to say the manufacturer was not overly impressed and is taking it further.

This was reported on national radio this morning. Glad I don't watch such drivel.

On the other hand, maybe it's just BBC iplayer playing up.
doorframe":2onq15cs said:
..... Unbeknown to the cretin the manufacturer had a data logger in the vehicle that proved coco hadn't fully charged it. .....

:lol: Bliss! Clarkson gets his come-uppance at last...the fat ..
Yes it was I player that was at fault, i watched it tonight, didn't see much of Cleethorpes though? Oh well. Apparently it stated on the radio today that they were also in hot water for parking in a disabled space in Lincoln! Got to admit I do like watching the series but Clarkson is such a D*ck! :roll: I suppose he is that way just for the series though.
mailee":35zj2xer said:
Clarkson is such a D*ck! :roll: I suppose he is that way just for the series though.

Nope.......... Right assessment............... He's a D*ck full time

And I still "sort of" enjoy watching the prog :?

I haven't watched it in about 3 years because I had enough of the old embarrassing jokes and metaphors blurted out by the oaf, rightly described as a d*ck. He's even got the hair to match!

What irritates me though is when people repeat his sayings like "show it some corners"...why!? It was bad enough hearing them the first time round!

Mark (prematurely turning into a grumpy old man)
Is this the latest PC thing where it's de rigueur to claim you disapprove of Top Gear and its presenters because they poke fun at so called green technology?

I notice that there is no mention of the piece they did later in the program about amputee ex-servicemen training for the Dakar Rally, or of Clarkson's work with Help for Heroes!
Peter T":2p0xsxz5 said:
Is this the latest PC thing where it's de rigueur to claim you disapprove of Top Gear and its presenters because they poke fun at so called green technology?


Not in the slightest. James May is an excellent presenter as is Richard Hammond.

Just that Clarkson is a fat .....pure and simple :D
I seem to be out on a limb, but I watch the programme primarily for the entertainment that Clarkson provides.

The rally feature was excellent too- I fancy a go in the Bowler.
marcros":3c0ku1de said:
I seem to be out on a limb, but I watch the programme primarily for the entertainment that Clarkson provides.

The rally feature was excellent too- I fancy a go in the Bowler.

HEAR HEAR .................. one of the very, very few BBC programs worth watching
Peter T":1935yub7 said:
marcros":1935yub7 said:
I seem to be out on a limb, but I watch the programme primarily for the entertainment that Clarkson provides.

The rally feature was excellent too- I fancy a go in the Bowler.

HEAR HEAR .................. one of the very, very few BBC programs worth watching
I agree. I suspect without Clarkson it would not work, all 3 have different personalities and play one off each other. I quite like his humour most of the time. I find his books funny.
I like it, I know its made up and they do/say stupid things, but it often gets me told off for laughing out loud