Axminster Interactive event - Nuneaton

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Established Member
25 Jun 2014
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Hi all

Has anyone been to one of these events before please? We're thinking of travelling over to Nuneaton in September and was wondering what they were like. My partner is new to woodworking and particularly enjoys scroll sawing with an old Delta 40 560. I also managed to get her and old Black & Decker 3 wheel band saw, hardly state of the art, but with a tuffsaws blade in, it cuts very well for our needs. So if anyone has attended one of these events before your views would be most welcome.
Hi John, I'm surprised that you have not had any replies so far. I have not been to one of these events myself, but have been over to Axminster in Nuneaton. It is a great store with loads of equipment and I have been tempted to go to one of the demos they do.

I'm sure that you will find it rewarding and feel that Axminster will give you loads of information. So book it up and enjoy.

I do use the bandsaw regularly and recently upgraded to a 16" Record. The three wheel bandsaws and rather outdated and you can get hold of a to wheel one quite cheaply, with betterresults and enjoyment.


I went to the open day in Warrington, brilliant. There was a lot of people but once you collared an expert it was worth the wait. Have your questions ready in advance would be my advise in order to be courteous to those that are also interested in getting time with the expert
The woodturners one got very good press. That was in Nuneaton and though I didn't attend myself I didn't hear a single negative comment about it, quite the opposite. So I agree you should take the plunge and go for it. Just one warning....take more than one credit card :)