Anyone self coloured (Osmo) filler pre use? (Oak floor)

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Lean into the Curve
19 Aug 2015
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I'm in the process of stripping an oak (not pine! :oops: ) engineered floor. Done all the hard work but the variations in colour of what I'm guessing is White Oak is perplexing my tiny brain. I bought Osmo filler (I have the Osmo satin finish to apply). The floor was previously coated with a coloured finish so a bit of guess work was involved as to what filler I would need. The filler seems very user friendly and first impressions are good. I've used some where the wood is light and it's a good match but theres knots and so on where it will stand out like a sore thumb. You can apply a colour after but I think that's going to lead to all sorts of problems with bleeding etc.

I have a bottle of dark oak stain, would it be madness to mix the stain and filler in small amounts pre use. Wouldn't take much, I don't have huge areas to fill but they vary in colour from area to are depending on board colour. What I was thinking was adding a few drops to the filler to darken it up as needed. The filler is water based and instructions say you can add water to thin anyway.

I might have been on too many HSE courses about not mixing chemicals! 10 years ago I'd have just done it but I can't afford to have the filler crack after 6 weeks because I added something other than water.
Is this common practice or madness?
I could buy some darker Osmo filler but I'm on a tight schedule. Two young kids and an unfinished floor don't mix well! Need to get that final coat down asap.

Cheers as always

Seems to suggest that it can be combined with 'any' tint or stain.

If you want some pigment powder - I am happy to send brown / yellow / red / black iron oxide gratis. When dampened (to stop it drying out the filler) it can be mixed with water based fillers no probs.

I've been using it with cascamite this weekend to good effect. If you want some send me a pm.
Thanks OM, not sure why I didn't think to check the product page. #-o Thinking more generally if it was a common practice that I was unaware of maybe. Many thanks for your kind offer, your generosity is very much appreciated but I think in this case I will just go for it with what I have available. I'm fairly certain the stain I have is water based so my gut feeling is that with a bit of care I should be ok mixing small amounts to suit each area. it seems like forgiving stuff. I'm really under the cosh with this one. Back at work Tuesday and then I'm straight through for 2 weeks with no days off. I really need to crack on early tomorrow get the filling done, sand, hoover, let the dust settle (again) and hoover a couple of times, before getting the first coat of finish on tomorrow. The finish has an 8 hour odd drying time so with luck I will have time to get the second coat on tuesday night. Wednesday I can get all the furniture back in after work. (Small house and mobility is a little restricted at the moment especially with 2 young kids although the have made a camp under the table and all the stacked up furniture in the back room and don't seem to notice the chaos that drives my Mrs mad :D ).
Thanks for the reply and the kind offer. It was the reassurance I was after. Much appreciated as always.
Cheers, will crack on and post some pics when done.
Many regards