Another sore saw question (from a newbie ish)

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It's a leeson. I hope that satisfies your curiosty. Thanks for your help so far, it's galvanised me to get the existing belt off. The pulleys look first class machined, possibly steel, it's hard to tell as they are black (which is why I think they're steel) I took one belt off and ran the saw again to prevent any interactivity and conclude the belts are at fault (even though I bought matched 3 year ago) I am going to try linkbelts, but even if I get this running perfect I will still upgrade, I've been looking you see and the new saw calls. besides the missus said " you're coming up for fifty if you don't have one now when will you?" .Talk about cut to the quick. But hey, get whilst the goings good eh?

Alan, let us know how you get on with the link belts as I think the advantages are sorely underestimated.
Perhaps an Xcalibur would be my choice for an upgrade although have yet to use one.


I went to get some link belts today, but the chap in the supply place talked me into new ordinary belts, as I said I only wanted to improve it to sell the saw. So the end result is that the machine runs and a 20p piece will stand on edge happily. So there we have it, after all that I'll never know whether the belts would have been even better. I have made my mind up, despite Phil's best persuasions in this forum, that I am going to get a Scheppach 2500ci, local dealer will deliver built into my workshop.
In your capacity as moderator if I were to offer my Wadkin for sale here, is there a code of conduct I should adhere to? Other than my own which is "If you're not happy, you can have your money back" maybe EBAY would be better what do you think?

Alan, no problem with the For Sale. Just stick FS on the title and throw it in General WW.
Glad you got the vibration issue sorted. New belts are "new" for a while, it's after a few months and various periods of inactivity that their performance starts to wane. Link belts are superior from day one and remain so for a long time.

