Ahoy! Permission to come on Board? Another Yank.


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Bob Childress

28 Jul 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
A gracious good evening to you all. I have been lurking here a long time but thought it finally proper to introduce myself. I am a Yank hobbiest just getting back into the WW world in the last 2 years. Still a novice, really, but enjoying it immensely.

I have found that I learn a lot more or less by accident on these forums, as people ask questions or share ideas I hadn't really thought about. In addition, learning from craftsmen (and craftswomen) all over the world brings a new perspective to my own work which is refreshing. We Yanks in particular can be a bit parochial, as you no doubt know. I plan to continue learning here and I hope to contribute a small bit from time to time as the occasion warrants. I am sensitive to the differences in tools and techniques used in the UK and here and will try not to display my ignorance by suggesting things which are Yank-centric in nature.

I have travelled to the UK a number of times and although my itinerary was limited due to business requirements, I am well-acquainted with the part that runs from London to Basingstoke, Wokingham, and onward to Bath. I recall once turning the wrong way when exiting Heathrow and nearly contributing to the British accident statistics. But after circling the airport again, constantly muttering 'keep to the left, keep to the bluddy left' I managed to escape unharmed. :D Cheers.
Welcome to the forum Bob, hope to see some examples of your output in the near future.
Hello and welcome Bob. I am sure you will enjoy your stay and participate in passing and gaining knowledge, there is plenty of it here. :D
Aye, step aboard Bob and we'll have a look at the cut of your jib! :wink: :lol:

Only kidding, you're very welcome!

Welcome Bob.

Be careful not to judge us nor the country by the bit you are familiar with.

People in that area spend their lifetime trying to get out and the rest of us avoid it wherever we can.

Don't worry about upsetting us with your strange colonial ways - we like all sorts here.
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I am primarily interested in furniture making and home reno projects, such as cabinet making. Will post some samples in another thread.
