A nice relaxing viewing for those spare moments.


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Flippin' 'eck - 'ee works quick, dunnee!

Not sure about open sawtills - I can't help feeling they'll allow the saws to rust quicker, and attract dust. That said, he made a nice job of it, and if it suits his way of working, who am I to criticise?
Hi 'Chappie'.

I have to agree about an 'open till'. I also think one till for all saws is wasted space above the back-saws.
So I'd put a back on the till, enabling me to hang gents, coping and hacksaws. I would probably fit a tambour front; If I could find the patience! :mrgreen:

Although I was really pointing out that here's a young guy, who wants to learn the 'proper' way. And he did say the till was a prototype.

Mind you, some of my best planes are on an open shelf at the moment!


John :D
Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed that. It was well executed, by hand, with B&Q wood, and without the best tools. Good honest working.

While it's nice to see more people getting keen on hand tool methods, I found myself cringing at the way he was holding the work down with one hand and chiselling towards it with the other. I can still hear our old school woodwork teacher shouting out "two hands behind the blade, laddie!"
AndyT":1fybocs2 said:
While it's nice to see more people getting keen on hand tool methods, I found myself cringing at the way he was holding the work down with one hand and chiselling towards it with the other. I can still hear our old school woodwork teacher shouting out "two hands behind the blade, laddie!"

I didn't notice that Andy. I'll have a check!

John 8)