Workbench vs sawhorses

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Established Member
26 Mar 2014
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I have setup a small workshop in my single garage. I put together a rough but very sturdy workbench which I've used on occasion but mostly seems to have become 'somewhere to put my tools'.

I also made 4 sawhorses which I can move around the garage and because of their convenience most of my 'woodworking' gets done on those.

I suppose the key is to place your 'workbench' in the middle of the garage but for those of us with small garages this isn't always practical.

Has anyone else found themselves doing this?
Don't even get me started on the table saw, whenever I need to use it I need 5 minutes just to tidy everything off it!
I used to have mine in the middle of our generous single garage but now have it against one wall with tools hung on the wall above it. Didn't really find I needed to access the back of the bench so this was the more space efficient option.

My shed is about the size of a single garage, or slightly smaller. I have one end of my workbench in the middle of one end of the shed. This way gives me working access to 2 long sides and one end of my bench. It works well and I'm very pleased with the layout.
I guess it all depends on the size of the space you're working with and what you're trying to make.

I'll move things around a bit and see if I can come up with something better.
Any flat surface is going to accumulate tools and detritus for most people; it's just too easy to use.

I go through phases of being quite ruthless in keeping these areas clear but generally end straight back there within a few weeks.

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