I called in and bought the router table this morning there were a number of guys buying todays offers. Mainly the router and bits. I had a glimps at these, could not identify the collet size, A pledge has been signed that my next router has to be with at least a half inch collet. The kitchen router bit sets looked a bargain at under £7.00 but only one was identified to fit a 6mm collet. No one was observed buying the lathe. I assembled the router table this afternoon which went well I mean for under £30.00 it has to be worth it. I bought a safety switch last year from amazon and that cost me £50.00. the 3 feather boards probably £12 to £20.00. Table inserts to buy seperately are about £40.00. The fixings for the safety switch were a bit naff, broke them off by accident while trying to set the router up for a trial run. The setting up was a pain in the preverbial it took ages to set with some form of accuracy. I made my own table last year with a router lift, works a treat, sets up in minutes. What I have bought today is some cheap kit that can be adapted into my own home made table and the safety switch can be adapted. Incidently the power cable to the power source is only 20" long!