wood boards - beginner help.


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Dan Robbins

Established Member
29 Jan 2013
Reaction score
How are those lovely apparently seamless solid wooden boards made from planks of wood? Can these be made quite simply at home or do they require specialist equipment?
do you mean like this below??


there made by machines very quickly, i believe they use up the good bits in low quality timber. and produce a desirable result that's assessable to the masses.

i applied for a job where they had a chop saw that would detect knots and worked with a special pen that could be used to mark defects. then it would cut the parts required out of the good wood, avoiding the knots and marked Areas! these where mainly small blocks of pine to make divans! i would assume similar equipment is used.

You can do it with hand tools and practice. Same with machinery. You just need to spend time on the joints to ensure they are square and straight :)
carlb40":2q1zeiwb said:
You can do it with hand tools and practice. Same with machinery. You just need to spend time on the joints to ensure they are square and straight :)

you can, but by the time you have faffed around selecting the good areas and plaining the timber to correct dimensions you would be better off buying square edged planks and making much nicer surfaces!


Depends what you mean by " apparently seamless solid wooden boards made from planks of wood?"
It could describe the examples given above, or like this ?


The image below shows joints for wider 'planks' ,
The 'rubbed joint' (glue only), 'dowelled', 'biscuited', and finaly splined
adidat":i5r33hwd said:
i applied for a job where they had a chop saw that would detect knots and worked with a special pen that could be used to mark defects. then it would cut the parts required out of the good wood, avoiding the knots and marked Areas! these where mainly small blocks of pine to make divans! i would assume similar equipment is used.


There's an episode of "How It's Made" where a fully automated process produced endless board (later turned in skirting board), cutting out knots and defects and end-splicing the bits together.

