Which pyrography is best?


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Established Member
7 Feb 2012
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Plymouth UK
Hi everyone, i'm sure this question as been asked before but just to make sure can someone advise me which is the best pyrograhy machine is the best to go for as I currently use a janik model and am not getting on very well with it, someone as said the Davan machine is one of the best but i'm not sure where to purchase it, any advise would be gratefull, regards Matt.
Good question Matt, as I will soon be buying one. The only one I've heard recommended was the Peter Childs one which Tracy Owen raves about. £99 I think from Peter Child's website.
It sounds like this Peter Childs pyrography setup is the way to go, I also heard on another forum a machine called Davan, it is made by a retired gentlemen in the south of Wales, this one also seems to be getting a lot of good reviews v